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士兵手持卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558以及热瞄准镜.


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在客户反馈的帮助下开发, Saab’s HE 448 round and FCD 558 fire control device for the Carl-Gustaf® system combine to solve even more battlefield challenges.

现代战争的性质在不断演变. To remain competitive, armed forces need to evolve, too, embracing new technologies and strategies.

At Saab, we have long understood that the same applies to the weapons that troops use. The most effective weapons are those that evolve to meet new challenges while still remaining simple enough to be easily used in the heat of battle.

It’s this kind of approach that has led to the creation of the latest additions to the Carl-Gustaf system. 通过与用户讨论开发, the HE 448 high-explosive round and FCD 558 fire control device take the Carl-Gustaf user experience to a new level, 为部队提供应对常见战场挑战的解决方案.

拿着卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的士兵
拿着卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的士兵

HE 441的继承者, the HE 448 is a powerful high-explosive round designed for use against unprotected troops, 隐藏的部队, 软皮肤的目标包括车辆. An interface in the round allows it to communicate with the new fire control device (FCD), 大大提高精度. 与此同时, 减轻重量和修改成分有助于增加范围, 弹片分布和杀伤力. 引信允许HE 448在直接攻击和空中爆炸模式下使用.

“通过与用户的讨论, 我们发现需要一种更有效的HE弹,十大正规博彩网站评级客户服务代表皮特·格拉布说. “然而, our challenge was make improvements without adding any complexity for the soldier. 相反,我们实际上想让它更容易使用.”

那么,HE 448和FCD 558如何结合起来解决战场问题呢? 它们给战场上的部队带来了什么关键优势?


据彼得·格拉布说, a common request among users has been for an HE round with better ability to defeat body armour. Such armour is increasingly being worn by hostile forces and can limit the effectiveness of fragmentation rounds.

我们的设计师通过多种方式解决了这一挑战. One was to replace the mechanical fuze of the HE 441 with a much smaller electro-mechanical in the HE 448. 同时, HE 441的800个钢球已经替换为4个,HE 448中有000个钨球, increasing fragment density and the overall probability of striking vulnerable areas on the enemy combatant.


与此同时, while our legacy FCD and HE round allowed the engagement of targets at up to 1300 metres, 用户寻找更长的范围.

Our engineers listened and responded by reducing the overall weight of the HE 448 by 500 grams compared to the HE 441, 瘦到只剩一个了.7公斤. 减轻的重量提供了更高的初速和覆盖更多地面的能力. 同时, 弹道技术的进步(见下文)不仅保证了HE 448飞得更远, 它能够在这段距离内保持出色的精度.


每个消防队最关心的是首轮命中. Once you fire on the enemy, you make your own position known and become a clear target.

拿着卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的士兵
卡尔-古斯塔夫高爆弹药HE 448
HE 448
FCD 558

Petter explains that Saab engineers addressed the request for better accuracy by creating an interface between the round and the fire control device that allows for even more precise ballistic calculations. 通过一种叫做“火弩箭”的协议, the round provides the FCD with exact information on the temperature of its propellant. 这是弹道学的一个关键因素, 因为使用较冷推进剂的子弹通常会稍微慢一些, 而较热的推进剂会使子弹的速度稍微快一些. The ballistic computer in the FCD 558 uses this information on propellant temperate to slightly adjust the round’s exit trajectory, 大大提高了第一轮命中的几率. This is particularly helpful for air burst mode where the round is set to detonate in the air just above the target.


卡尔-古斯塔夫系统 以其简单耐用而闻名于世. Hard work during the design process for the HE 448 and FCD 558 means its now simpler than ever to use the weapon.

例如, while the fuze of the legacy HE 441 round needs to be set manually prior to loading to enable air burst mode, HE 448的程序要简单得多. 炮手只需使用FCD上的开关来选择正确的模式.


类似的, while the legacy fire control system required different range knobs to be fitted depending on the round used, FCD 558上的数字接口消除了这种需要. 当火弩箭兼容的子弹装膛时, FCD可以立即识别出圆形. 一旦炮手输入射程, FCD中的弹道计算机使用射程, 圆的类型, attack mode along with propellant and ambient temperature to calculate the best trajectory for a successful hit. While the previous fire control system relied on mechanical adjustments to the achieve the trajectory, 这是通过FCD 558的机电方式实现的. 它是完全兼容的标准光学瞄准具通过picatinny导轨.

与此同时, a reduction in weight for both the fire control device and round reduces the burden that fire teams are required to carry.


最后, 而HE 448和FCD 558在一起使用时产生最佳效果, 它们都与传统的卡尔-古斯塔夫系统兼容. A legacy round will not be able to communicate its type and propellant temperature to the FCD 558. 然而, the gunner can simply enter the 圆的类型 via a toggle to enable the ballistics computer to choose the correct trajectory.    

与此同时, HE 448可以使用传统的卡尔-古斯塔夫火控装置发射, 虽然只有直接攻击模式.