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The increasing use of electronic warfare and the massive investment in technology has led to more and more near-peer conflicts where enemies are fighting with the same types of weapons. 因此,信息和数据在战术战争中变得越来越重要. Obtaining this data at an early stage without the knowledge of the enemy is a fine art and a skill that will play a key role in deciding the outcome of future warfare.

Detecting and analysing radar and communication signals is one of the most important tasks of today's armed forces. High-tech equipment is needed across all domains to gather as much information as possible about enemy activities and potential threats. A high level of situational awareness and a clear picture of the situation are the basis for making the right strategic and tactical decisions and ultimately protecting as many lives as possible. 技术变革的快速步伐是这里的一个主要挑战. 越来越多的信号正在产生,越来越多的技术正在试图隐藏, 检测或故意操纵这些信号. The fact is: Only those who can quietly collect as much data as possible and classify or analyse it in a very short time will be ahead of the enemy.

获取数据的一个核心问题是自己的可见性. “任何使用雷达探测目标的人都会暴露自己的位置. 带有无源传感器, 另一方面, 你可以在不成为发射器的情况下观察敌人的信号. 正是这种能力在电子战中变得越来越重要,马修·威尔莫特解释道, 瑞典国防公司十大正规博彩网站评级小天狼星紧凑的销售总监. 几十年来,, 该公司一直在为船舶开发和生产复杂的被动传感器系统, 车辆及飞机. 今天, Saab is regarded as a one of the market leaders in the field of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Electronic 支持 Measures (ESM). So, it's no wonder that the latest achievement in the field of passive sensors also comes from Saab: 小天狼星紧凑 is the name of the modular and scalable, lightweight passive Electronic Warfare (EW) sensor that has been on the market for just under two years and is al读y in series production. The sensor is an answer to the increasing challenges of surveillance at all levels of tactical operations and can be used stand-alone, 在传感器网络中或作为现有传感器的补充. 与较大的静态解决方案相比, 小天狼星紧凑可以被运营商放置在任何地方,其范围可以根据情况进行扩展.

小天狼星紧凑_Man portable


小天狼星紧凑根据应用程序有多种配置, 最小的型号只有35厘米高, 直径15厘米,重量不超过3公斤. 因此,该系统适合任何背包,便于运输. The system has an integrated IMU/GNSS sensor to provide the positional data and has a power requirement of less than 60 W - it is powered by batteries carried by the soldier; or via the host platform. 安装在三脚架上, 天狼星紧凑型几乎可以放置在地面的任何地方, 但这种传感器也可以集成在无人机上, 车辆或较小的船只,如十大正规博彩网站评级的战斗船90 (CB90)或无人水面舰艇(USV).

小天狼星紧凑 provides individuals and small units with instant situational awareness - where and when you need it. "The move towards portable systems that are intuitive to use and do not require years of specialist training is a response to the need for mobile and flexible real-time intelligence-gathering capabilities and new possibilities in tactical electronic warfare,威尔莫特解释道. 来自更复杂系统的现有专业知识已被纳入天狼星契约的发展. 具有360°方位覆盖, radar and data link emissions in the 1-18 GHz frequency range can be instantaneously detected from any direction. The platform and data link independence is also particularly relevant for armed forces - the sensor can therefore be easily integrated into existing networks and platforms.


即使是一个传感器也能提高部队的态势感知能力——有三个或更多的传感器, precise geolocation through triangulation is possible with a bearing accuracy of less than 2° rms (root mean square). It is important that the sensors are positioned at an appropriate distance and that height differences in the terrain are also taken into account. 自从该产品两年前上市以来, Saab has carried out a large number of tests and customer demonstrations that show the impressive performance of the compact sensors - even in extreme wind and weather conditions. 例如, an aircraft taking off 200 kilometres away could be detected at a distance of 190 kilometres - as soon as it appeared over the radio horizon with very accurate Direction 找到ing (DF). 在整个检测和分析过程中, the potentially hostile aircraft did not receive a single signal from the sensor - so the enemy does not know that it has been detected.

小天狼星紧凑 was also shown to perform reliably on a fast-maneuvering combat boat in challenging weather conditions. TRS Lite(任务处理)的性能和易用性 & 报告系统)软件不仅得到了十大正规博彩网站评级自己的确认. 这些传感器在主要军事组织的独立测试中完成了测试. 在简短的介绍之后, the infantry troops were able to set up the sensor themselves in just a few minutes and were impressed by its immediate operational capability and simple operation. “该产品自然受益于我们在信号智能领域的专业知识. 我们面临的挑战不仅是使高科技设备尽可能地小巧便携, 还要保证性能不受限制,马修·威尔莫特解释道, 小天狼星紧凑的销售总监.



探测信号是获得态势感知的第一步. 第二步,必须对已识别的信号进行分析和分类. 武装部队的威胁库包含了大量的数据, 它们不断被用于天狼星紧凑型等传感器. 这是一笔必须加以保护的知识财富. Saab therefore does not store any sensitive data from the threat library in the sensor but forwards the signals directly. 如果你想在不被发现的情况下使用无人机上的传感器进行情报收集飞行, 该传感器也可以在没有网络连接的情况下工作. 尽管数据会暂时存储在传感器中, 如果没有软件和相关的威胁库,它是无用的. 小天狼星紧凑是由TRS Lite软件控制的. 有了它,传感器可以通过平板电脑控制,因此支持战术可操作性. 每个士兵可以轻松管理多达五个传感器. These five sensors can in turn be grouped and controlled as bundles in the more complex version called TRS 9EW. “使用这些相关的软件系统, 用户可以自动生成报表, 将任务分配给其他传感器,甚至记录新的信号,从而扩展自己的威胁库,马修·威尔莫特解释道.


Portable passive sensors are suitable for a wide range of applications and are an ideal electronic support measures asset. 它们是对更复杂系统的补充,尤其是作为早期预警系统, 例如地面防空系统(GBAD). 由于其尺寸,传感器几乎可以安装在任何地方-甚至在民用基础设施上. 这些传感器也为北约等联盟伙伴带来优势, as the information obtained can be shared within the framework of Cooperative Electronic 支持 Measures Operations (CESMO) and thus benefits all coalition partners. The uniform DNA of all products from Saab's Sirius family also ensures high precision and expertise from decades of research and development in the new, 紧凑的模型. 整个产品系列不断得到进一步发展. 



The increasingly complex requirements and threats facing armed forces require efficient and precise early warning systems. 而雷达正在寻找, 被动传感器正在监听,因此是未来现代战场的耳朵. 他们提供了敌人活动的详细情况,而自己却不露面. Mobile systems are more than just a technological achievement; they are a strategic necessity in modern warfare, 马修·威尔莫特说. “天狼星契约显然是我们这个时代的产物. 比以往任何时候都更需要在不损害自己立场的情况下提供关键信息. 在一个电子战和信息优势日益决定冲突结果的世界里, 这些系统是必不可少的.“像小天狼星紧凑这样的被动传感器为战术规划和决策提供了一个新的维度. They are the silent guardians and protectors of our armed forces and will increasingly play a key role in the cat and mouse game of electronic warfare.


无声的力量-在你想要的地方. 当你想要的时候.

天狼星紧凑型是一个模块化和可扩展的无源电子战(EW)传感器网络, 通过无声探测增强态势感知能力,提供真正的力量倍增, 雷达和数据链发射的分类和优先级.

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