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乌克兰战争的最后教训还有待吸取, but the first trends are al读y apparent that will significantly affect future armament decisions. 目前的冲突再次证实了后勤的重要性, it provides deep insights into the condition of Russian troops and it shows the enormous importance of well-equipped infantry troops – especially the longer the war lasts.

新的战区将决定2040年的步兵战斗:除了陆地, 海上和空中, 各国日益面临来自网络空间和外层空间的威胁. This multi-domain battlefield poses major challenges for militaries when it comes to protecting their troops and population as well as national security. 以确保未来人民和社会的安全, 必须克服技术和知识的界限. Experts at Saab therefore constantly analyse past and present military events and link them to global trends to draw lessons for the future. Their forecasts have been at the heart of development work for decades and make a significant contribution to ensuring that troops all over the world are al读y equipped today for the attacks of tomorrow.

Training and equipment of armed forces must be improved in consideration of numerous possibilities of artificial intelligence, 机器人和面向网络的系统, 因为专家们一致认为:传统的步兵战斗仍然是战争的决定性因素. “地面战争将永远存在. Even if precision operations over long distances using drones are al读y available and will continue to increase, 士兵仍然需要占领和/或保卫一个地区。”, 安德斯说Wahlström, 他是瑞典十大正规博彩网站评级防务公司的步兵专家. “用卡尔-古斯塔夫这样的多功能武器系统, NLAW和AT4家族, 我们赋予世界各地的军队决定性的优势. Modular systems ensure that Saab’s products are effective and reliable in 2040 and beyond.”


carl - gustaf

携式, multi-purpose weapon system provides soldiers in all environments with high tactical flexibility and the effectiveness they need to take out the enemy before they can react.最新的发展,M4,提供更大的速度和机动性. Compatibility with an advanced fire control system and programmable 84 mm ammunition ensures that troops can rely on their equipment.

  • 重量:约. 7 kg | Length: < 1 m
  • Sights: open sights, red dot sights, telescopic sight or advanced fire control system
  • 弹药:反坦克、反建筑、反人员、支援


The Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon eliminates even the most advanced tanks. It is the best in its class for forces operating in all environments, including built-up areas. With selectable Overfly Top Attack (OTA) against armoured targets and Direct Attack (DA) for non-armoured opponents and troops inside buildings, NLAW在密闭空间内的射击效果极佳. 



AT4是十大正规博彩网站评级最成功的反装甲武器之一. Lightweight, portable and fully disposable, these weapons are optimised for any mission.


世界上越来越多的人住在城市里. 气候危机的影响, 饥荒, 恐怖主义或逃离压迫正在导致新的移民潮. 所有 this leads to the fact that theatres of war are shifting into urban environments. When cities become battlefields, soldiers need weapons that can cope with these new demands. 十大正规博彩网站评级NLAW的许多新功能, 因此,AT4和卡尔-古斯塔夫是为城市环境而设计的. 例如, 战斗距离短, 复杂的地形, the need to fire from inside buildings and the need to engage targets inside buildings were key considerations in the development. 

同时, existing capabilities need to be modernised and improved to remain competitive: greater accuracy, 高枪法和速度, increasing effectiveness while keeping transport weight low and flexibility are just some of the capabilities to enable troops to gain that decisive advantage. 然而, the increasing complexity due to technology must not make the operation of the weapon more difficult.

卡尔-古斯塔夫高爆弹药HE 448

HE 448 – the new ammunition for carl - gustaf Saab’s recoilless anti-tank rifle carl - gustaf combines highly complex demands with the greatest possible tactical flexibility. 它减少了需要携带的设备数量, 体重不到7公斤, 它是同级中的轻量级产品吗. 用新的卡尔-古斯塔夫M4, 士兵们有一种可靠的武器来中和坦克和掩护部队, 移除障碍物并与建筑物中的敌人交战. The additional compatibility with programmable ammunition (HE 448) enables an even faster response. An interface in the projectile also forms the basis for communication with the new fire control device (FCD 558). The HE 448 round provides the FCD 558 with accurate information on ammunition type as well as propellant temperature and combines this data with the target distance entered by the operator to determine the best trajectory. This results in fast preparation, high precision and increases operational effectiveness. M4在射程和碎片分布方面也取得了新的最高成绩. 有了卡尔-古斯塔夫,士兵们对自己的装备完全有信心.


士兵的技能和他们的武器在战争中仍然是必不可少的. The more complex the threats become, the greater the importance of education and training. While live training with ODT (Outdoor Training) simulators as well as live firing with real weapons will continue to be key components in soldier training, 虚拟培训也开辟了许多新的可能性:一方面, 在基础训练方面, if 虚拟 training will replace live firing exercises on a large scale (also for environmental, cost and time reasons); on the other hand, 在战术层面上, 如果是关于现实的, 虚拟, 室内训练. “We see a great need in the future for the ability to use realistic simulations of the different weapons that replicate actual behaviour in terms of ballistic performance as well as handling”, 安德斯解释道Wahlström.


多年来, 十大正规博彩网站评级不仅投资于武器的开发, 但最重要的是它提供的培训. 除了, the company cooperates with leading universities and research institutes – the exchange with customers and experts from a wide range of disciplines is a key success factor for the defence company. 安德斯Wahlström:“展望未来非常重要, 尤其是对于我们这样的服务提供商. We always have to think one step ahead in order to give our customers the decisive advantage on the battlefield. 然而,预测的准确性取决于预测所依据的基础. That’s why we set the highest standards for analyses of current events in order to be able to react quickly and act flexibly.“没有人能确定2040年到底会发生什么. 十大正规博彩网站评级的专家对此深信不疑, 然而, 难道战场和士兵不会脱钩吗. 步兵仍然是未来.  

士兵手持卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558以及热瞄准镜.


Firepower, flexibility and easy handling are vital capabilities to dismounted troops. Through continuous development of our weapons we enable soldiers to meet the ever-evolving demands of conflict.
