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并不是所有的军事激光训练系统都是一样的. 虽然有些人无法准确地重现武器和弹药的工作方式, Saab’s advanced BT46 technology delivers a ‘true ballistic’ experience that prepares soldiers for combat.

激光武器是科幻电影中常见的主题. 当电影中的男主角扣动激光枪的扳机时, 一束光束以光速从枪管中射出, 立即中和坏人.

这是很棒的娱乐, 但这与当今地面作战武器的工作方式几乎没有关系. 在现实世界中, it can take seconds from the time that a soldier pulls the trigger on his rifle or shoulder-fired weapon to the moment that the round arrives at its destination. Real rounds are subject to gravity from the instant they are fired – and the enemy that they are directed at can move unexpectedly. Factors like wind and ambient temperature can all have a big influence on their trajectory.

不幸的是, the laser-based training systems used by some of the world’s most powerful armed forces teach soldiers that their regular weapons behave just like laser guns. They are designed to record a direct ‘hit’ as long as the user of a weapon is pointing directly at the sensor on his opponent’s uniform at the exact instant that he pulls the trigger. 没有延迟时间,也没有考虑到目标的移动. 这个系统的作用就好像所有的抛射物都能以光速运动. 而不是了解他们的武器的优势和局限性, soldiers gain unrealistic expectations – and habits that could be fatal in the heat of battle.


值得庆幸的是,并不是所有的激光训练系统都是以同样的方式创建的. 十大正规博彩网站评级的BT46技术, 为例子, relies on powerful ballistics computers and gyros to accurately mimic the path of real world projectiles. The result is a far more realistic ‘true ballistic’ experience that reinforces good firearms habits rather than bad ones.


那么这个系统是如何发展的呢? And what advantages does a true ballistic training method bring to soldiers in the battlefield. Counting ‘hits’ and assessing the success of soldiers engaging in field exercises has long been a feature of good military training. 

在现代系统出现之前, 在演习进行时,监督警官们四处走动是他们的工作, 评估每个士兵是否击中了预定目标. Such an approach had extreme limitations and was often frustrating for exercise participants. Supervising officers would often make the wrong call and could easily not be present when important shots were fired.

A big breakthrough came in the late 1970s when the US Army developed the first ever laser-based training system. Laser modules were mounted to the barrels of soldiers weapons, along with a blank firing adaptor. Each participant in the exercise wore an integrated receiver consisting of sensors on the helmet and vest. 当一个士兵扣动扳机时, 一枚空子弹发射,一束激光从他的枪管中射出. 如果激光击中敌人的传感器,就会被记录下来并发出哔哔声.


It was a major step forward in the sense that supervisors no longer had to run around deciding who had been hit. But it was also a step backwards because the laser ‘rounds’ fired during exercises travelled at the speed of light, 让士兵对他们的武器产生错误的期望.


上世纪90年代,十大正规博彩网站评级公司引进了BT46激光训练技术,这一切都改变了. 而不是简单地把激光击中传感器算作命中, the system used a computers and gyro stabilisation technology to better mimic the true path of a fired round. 在十大正规博彩网站评级运行的模拟中, 激光弹的表现和真实世界的子弹一样, 受重力和实际空速的影响.

多年来, 我们已经发展和改进了所谓的“真弹道”系统, 现在,它可用于多种武器. 采用最新一代BT46技术, 小型弹道激光器(CBL), 可以模拟各自武器的真实弹道特性. 这包括电动车辆武器,反坦克武器和狙击应用.  每种武器类型, 该系统可以模拟阻力, 弹药的飞行轨迹和弹道特性. 它可以辨别, 例如, 在十大正规博彩网站评级卡尔古斯塔夫无后坐力步枪的不同弹药之间. 如果一名正在接受训练的枪手装上空白的HE 441或AMD 401子弹, 系统检测出差异并计算出正确的弹道. 击中目标, 炮手必须做出与真正战斗中相同的计算和选择.


该系统是如此先进,它可以考虑到温度的轮, 这是反坦克武器等大型武器的关键因素. 风向和风速也可以预先设定, teaching soldiers to factor in prevailing climate conditions when making their firing calculations.

The system can also be programmed to take into account a wide variety of enemy characteristics when determining if a shot has been successful. 用于反坦克武器模拟, the system can take into account the use of automatic protection systems and explosive armour.

最重要的是,我们的系统允许收集运动数据. 这样就可以对单个士兵的表现进行彻底的分析, 而是参与的小队, 部分, 排, 所以. 不同的作战策略可以在下次演习前进行剖析和改进.


对于士兵来说,十大正规博彩网站评级系统增加的真实感带来了巨大的不同. Their training teaches them the true effective range of their weapons and at what distance the enemy can effectively hit them. They gain a deep understanding of the variables that can affect their ability to target and neutralise their opponents, 他们学会了把这些都考虑进去. 这意味着他们更有能力在实战中生存.

批判性的, soldiers using the Saab system don’t acquire bad habits that will let them down in combat. 对于没有真正弹道能力的系统来说,情况就不同了.