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Why knowledge is essential for Arctic survival

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With the strategic importance of the Arctic region rapidly increasing, it’s critical that deployed soldiers know how to survive its harsh conditions. 有效的伪装在帮助部队生存和成功完成任务方面发挥着重要作用.

地球上很少有环境像北极圈一样美丽,或者不适宜居住. Wintertime temperatures typically plunge to minus 30 degrees C and beyond, while summer maximums can go as high as 30 degrees. 在冬天, 水源的缺乏和动物的稀少会使这片土地像沙漠一样毫无生气. 夏季冰雪融化给部队和车辆带来了危险.  



长期被大多数全球大国所忽视, the Arctic region is now playing an increasingly important role on the world stage. Climate change is reducing the harshness of Arctic winters, 这意味着在一年中的大部分时间里,它的冰海都对船只开放. 这有可能增加欧洲和亚洲之间北极航线的受欢迎程度,这条航线比通过苏伊士运河要短得多. The region is also rich in oil and natural gas as well as minerals such as iron ore, 铜, 镍, 锌和磷酸盐. These are attracting the attention of resource-hungry counties, including China. And with geopolitical tensions running high, 北极可能成为未来的战场,北约部队将被迫击退敌对势力.

人们对该地区的兴趣高涨, it’s critical that Western armed forces are prepared for deployment in Arctic conditions. So, what particular challenges does the Arctic pose to deployed troops? 如何解决这些问题? And what role can camouflage play in mission success?


对于考虑在北极部署的武装部队来说,一个基本的教训是,环境是高度多变的. 在季节层面上, 长, 黑暗, 冬天多雪,气温极低,而夏天白天较长,气温相对较暖. 随着冰雪消融, the landscape undergoes dramatically visual changes from white to mixed green and white, 绿色. Conditions also can be hugely changeable within a single day. 一股冷锋穿过这片土地,可以在几分钟内带来强风和大幅降温, both of which pose a threat to human life.


As in any environment, concealment is crucial for mission success. 在十大正规博彩网站评级, 我们完全理解在北极环境中有效伪装部署资产的挑战. 我们祖国的北部, 瑞典, 位于北极圈内, 我们为瑞典武装部队和包括挪威在内的国家提供各种北极伪装解决方案, 芬兰和加拿大.

经验告诉我们,在北极部署的部队有机会获得具有各种图案和纹理的迷彩解决方案,以融入景观的戏剧性季节变化,这一点至关重要. 白色的阴影, 例如, might provide good visual protection in winter, 但很可能在夏季脱颖而出. 类似的, 在温暖的月份适合的林地阴影在雪景中对敌人来说是显而易见的. 由于敌军可能会使用一系列传感器,包括各种形式的红外和雷达,因此伪装解决方案必须提供全面的多光谱保护.


我们的 梭鱼伪装解决方案 for Arctic conditions utilise a wide variety of pigments, layers and textiles to defeat enemy sensors. 梭鱼伪装网有多种图案,旨在模仿北极一年四季不断变化的景观. 提供真正的多光谱保护, they can be used to conceal a range of assets including tents and electronic equipment. A ‘garage’ configuration allows vehicles to be wholly concealed when not in use.
同样的,我们 梭鱼移动伪装系统(MCS) 该系统的设计是为了让各种各样的车辆在隐藏其特征的情况下运行. 热防护极大地降低了敌人探测发动机产生的热量的能力, with protection also provided across the wider electromagnetic spectrum. 


在北极条件下服役的部队在部署前应该接受广泛的额外训练,以便他们了解如何作战, 隐藏自己,生存. 在冬天time, conservation of energy and heat is essential. 没有合适的设备, deployed soldiers can rapidly become exhausted by tracking through 深的雪. The sweat from their exertion also poses a major risk as they cool down, 体温过高的可能性一直存在. 为了舒适和生存,有机会更换适合不同任务和条件的衣服是必不可少的.

另一个要考虑的因素是避免被敌人发现的雪况. 在冬天, the Arctic snow can be both a help and a hindrance in avoiding detection. Falling snow quickly covers the tracks of troops advancing through the landscape, meaning fewer traces are left for the enemy to detect. Walking on icy, compact snow also leaves relatively few traces. 然而, it is very difficult to mask the clear tracks left by skiing or walking through soft, 深的雪. Troops should also know how to use the harsh conditions to their advantage. 在雪中挖洞,在雪下放置帐篷和其他设备,可以进一步增强热传感器的保护.


Snipers have often played a decisive role in northern winter conflicts. 十大正规博彩网站评级梭鱼士兵系统 provides full multispectral protection to snipers and other ground troops, enabling them to remain concealed before and after striking. 该系统重量轻,可以作为雨披固定在头盔上,便于运输. Decoys also have a role to play in misdirecting the enemy. 逼真地模仿真品签名的复制资产可以帮助掩盖武装部队的真实意图, increasing the chances of mission success.


It's also vital that deployed troops understand the freeze and thaw cycle. 冰冻湖泊上的冰通常非常坚固,足以在严冬支撑重型车辆的重量, 但随着春天的临近,它会减弱. 知道什么时候可以安全地使用这些表面,什么时候应该避免使用,可能意味着生与死的区别.



The arctic region can be highly unpredictable. 我们的北极伪装网是专门设计的,以防止探测和识别在这种恶劣的气候.