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Hungarian Gripen fighters

Hungarian Air Force and Gripen – many milestones reached

3 min read

On Friday 26th April, 凯奇斯克姆·萨梅特空军基地的早晨看起来与平常的早晨有些不同——技术人员没有在鹰狮机群周围工作, 飞行员并没有为他们的下一个任务做准备, everyone was still ready for Alpha scramble should it come). 

Colonel Gergely Gróf, 匈牙利国防军Szentgyörgyi德兹绍第101空军联队指挥官, 召集人员举行了一个简短的仪式,以纪念最近的成就. And they are many! Firstly, 匈牙利空军鹰狮机队将增加4架鹰狮C战斗机, 允许匈牙利用由18架鹰狮C战斗机组成的机群保护其领空和北约伙伴的领空. 

其次,匈牙利空军最近达到了一个重要的里程碑- 30.000 flying hours on Gripen! “我们高度重视与匈牙利的伙伴关系,我们对匈牙利空军驾驶鹰狮战斗机的结果印象深刻. 这是HunAF、Saab、瑞典空军和FMV之间的长期合作伙伴关系. Protecting the airspace 24/7 and reaching 30.000 FH shows high operational availability of Gripen, ready to be where it is needed – in the air," says Lars Tossman, Senior Vice-President and Head of Aeronautics. 

Ceremony at Kecskemét Air Wing on 26th April 2024.

In order to be able to keep on delivering missions, it is crucial to keep Gripen continuously modernized. "That is something we can do. With Gripen you will always have the newest, fastest computers running the latest algorithms, the latest sensors and the most advanced weaponry. It gives our customers, Hungary included, the advantage to see more and act faster than an opponent," adds Tossman. 这是另一个里程碑上周五在kecskem庆祝. Saab has now delivered MS20 Block 2.1. 升级带来了雷达能力的重要增强, 更安全的通信系统和包括敌我识别(敌我识别)按照最新的北约标准. 


Last but not least, 空军联队指挥官对Máte Majerik机长作为鹰狮展示飞行员的出色表现表示赞赏. Máte在50多场航展中向欢呼的人群展示了鹰狮战斗机的性能, 在2019年至2022年期间的活动和节日中,他的惊人表演获得了许多奖项. 当然,如果没有适当的技术支持,他无法单独做到这一点. Therefore, György Havasi少校也代表整个技术中队被授予维护匈牙利空军鹰狮机队. 

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