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Saab Global

Dive into a day together with our employees working with Sabertooth

5 min read

They produce cutting-edge technology, 喜欢他们的工作环境,享受员工之间相互支持和友好的氛围. 遇见三名十大正规博彩网站评级员工,他们都以各自的方式为十大正规博彩网站评级先进的水下航行器Sabertooth做出了贡献.

54岁的卡米拉·布林德马克(Camilla Brindmark)是十大正规博彩网站评级(Saab)的一名装配工,她靠在当地公交车的座位上. 驱车25分钟就能到达位于市中心Linköping外的十大正规博彩网站评级工厂,这是闭上眼睛,在一天的工作开始前积蓄一些额外能量的绝佳时间.

At the coffee machine, Camilla meets up with colleague Emma Wretman, 28, who cycled to work from her apartment, and team leader Andreas Lindgren, 40, who has just come from eating breakfast at home with his three sons.

On this particular day, the three of them have a lot to talk about – and it’s not just about today’s tasks. One of the topics is Emma’s football match the day before. 她的球队赢得了对Västervik的德比,球队的中场球员艾玛欣喜若狂.

Emma, Camilla and Andreas at the coffe machine 

“There is a lot of football in my life. Sometimes it will be a training session at lunch and sometimes before work,” says Emma, 她在十大正规博彩网站评级(Saab)的组装部门工作了两年,现在还在指导新员工加入她不断壮大的团队.

The close-knit trio have different roles within the company, 但它们的共同点是它们都是产生剑齿虎的部门的一部分, Saab’s advanced autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).

Installation of lift assembly in the chassi
Sabertooth with its docking station

Advanced product for underwater missions

Since Sabertooth was launched 15 years ago, numerous underwater missions and surveys down to a depth of 3,000 meters have been carried out on seabeds in oceans around the world. Thanks to Sabertooth, 一个研究小组成功地在海底找到了英国探险家欧内斯特·沙克尔顿沉没107年后的“耐力”号船.

“耐力号”沉船位于南极洲3000多米深处. Photo by: Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust

“It’s awesome to be part of building such an advanced product,” says Camilla, who came to Saab six years ago and who now has started to assume more responsibility, such as being a mentor for new employees.
Andreas, 谁是生产技术的团队领导,并有助于生产过程顺利进行,不间断, agrees with his colleague: 

“When you see what Sabertooth can do for our customers, you are impressed. This is the coolest thing I’ve done so far in my working life,”
Andreas Lindgren, Team leader in production technology

Right now, 位于Linköping的十大正规博彩网站评级水下系统公司的员工正在为海洋地球物理公司PXGEO的一份大订单而努力工作, which has ordered more than 20 Sabertooth vehicles. PXGEO使用Saab的auv来代表PXGEO在能源行业的客户在海底部署和检索地震节点.

High-tech environment teeming with activity

The production environment where Emma, Camilla and Andreas work with the PXGEO order is high-tech and teems with activity. In one department, 大约有10名员工站在工作台上,上面堆满了大捆的电缆和详细的电子元件.

“We build the entire vehicle from the ground up. 在我的团队中,我们正在研究剑齿虎的盖子,它是飞行器的大脑. We solder and fasten contacts, assemble hardware and program software,”
Camilla Brindmark, Assembler

In another department, a half-finished Sabertooth is on a trolley. Here, the components are assembled into a finished product. 这里也有很多电脑和设备来测试每辆车的系统是否正常工作.

“When we are finished with the tests in the production phase, 我们将车辆开到该地区的一个坦克大厅,在那里我们继续在水下环境中进行测试. 我们在Motala的试验场进行水下实际操作的最终测试,”Andreas说.

Hooked on the technology and working environment

三人在申请十大正规博彩网站评级水下系统公司之前都有不同的职业背景. 艾玛之前在十大正规博彩网站评级的另一个部门工作,卡米拉向她透露了她在水下系统公司的工作, whom she had known before and who had worked there for a few years.


“I had a friend who always spoke highly of Saab, so I applied for a job here. 在面试期间,我在工作环境中走来走去,并立即被和蔼可亲的员工和车辆的酷技术所吸引,” she says.

安德烈亚斯曾在十大正规博彩网站评级航空公司担任油漆工,但在全球金融危机期间离职. 当他接到十大正规博彩网站评级公司一名员工的电话时,他正在从事医疗技术工作。这名员工问Andreas是否有兴趣在不断发展的水下系统部门工作. “It felt exciting and suited me perfectly,” he says.

Discussing cable wiring of the aft lid

Many developments opportunities

Andreas, 卡米拉和艾玛对在公司工作期间的发展机会也非常乐观. 在做了两年装配工之后,艾玛现在指导新员工进入这个行业.

“I was inexperienced at first, 但我从培训课程和其他事情中学到了很多,这让我承担了越来越多的责任. 我甚至有幸去了澳大利亚,检查了我们的一艘正在运行的水下航行器,”
Emma Wretman, Assembler


“I have taken on a role as team leader, which feels very fun. Right now I’m taking a leadership course to further develop my leadership skills. You can grow and develop very well within Saab,” he says.

Exercise and gaming provide life-work balance 

It’s the end of the working day and time to go home. Emma leaves for her football practice, while Andreas envisions a few hours of gaming before it's time to cook for his sons. 

Camilla, whos children have all grown up and live out of town, puts on her running shoes for an hour’s exercise in the forest.

“I like to exercise, especially cycling and running. 我参加过瑞典经典滑雪比赛,参加过Marcialongaloppet(意大利版的瑞典越野滑雪比赛Vasaloppet)。. 体育活动是我让大脑从工作、图纸、电缆和电子产品中解脱出来的一种方式. It's perfect for getting a good balance in life,” she says.