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Saab Global


Saab is proud to support special forces preparing for tomorrow’s demanding ground combat missions. 从经过实战验证的AT4和卡尔-古斯塔夫®到NLAW系统, our extensive experience in providing technologically advanced solutions will give your capability the edge.

Saab is proud to support special forces preparing for tomorrow’s demanding ground combat missions. 从经过实战验证的AT4和卡尔-古斯塔夫®到NLAW系统, our extensive experience in providing technologically advanced solutions will give your capability the edge. 期待十大正规博彩网站评级全系列最好的产品, 其中还包括我们的Sirius Compact和CB90 NG, as well as Giraffe 1X, Signature Management, CBRN and Training & Simulation solutions. 我们的全套装备确保特种部队在战场上占有优势.



Video - 00:50

Ground Combat

我们的生活正变得越来越复杂,越来越快,越来越科技化. As many benefits as growing connectivity and increasing digitalisation bring - they also pose a multitude of risks for new forms of threat. 它们让我们的世界更加难以预测. 以确保未来人民和社会的安全, 必须克服技术和知识的界限. Experts at Saab therefore constantly analyse past and present military events and link them to global trends to draw lessons for the future.
Sirius Compact

天狼星紧凑型带来了新的功能,这要归功于它的小尺寸, weight and power, 特别是与等效的更大的静态解相比. 因为它可以很容易地集成到无人机上, vehicles, vessels, 桅杆或便携式应用, 用户可以根据需要快速部署系统并扩展其覆盖范围. Sirius Compact是模块化的, 可扩展,可以独立使用, 在传感器网络中或作为现有传感器的补充.



Video - 00:45

CBRN – are you prepared?

十大正规博彩网站评级是一家领先的CBRN系统集成商, specialising in the design and development of fully integrated end-to-end sensor networks for civilian and military applications. Our wide selection of sampling kits meets the requirements and different needs of forensic sampling of CBRN operators in air, water, soil, powder, objects and vegetation. CBRN运输集装箱是一种具有成本效益的单集装箱解决方案,可满足所有需求, 海上运输证书, air, 公路或铁路及各种有毒物质, biological, pathogenic, radioactive, 化学和爆炸性样品.

The CBRN Automatic Warning and Reporting (AWR) system can be used stationary or mobile for surveillance and tactical applications. CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle Kits (CRVKs) can be installed on civilian and military vehicles and fully support monitoring, sampling, 实地侦察和分析. Reversible, they reduce the costs associated with CBRNisation of a vehicle and limit operational availability issues.

Train as you fight

Saab’s live training solutions delivers realism and the high-fidelity data to learn the key lesson to maximize combat effectiveness. 互操作性和保真度, 模块化和可扩展性是优秀仿真训练的关键组成部分. 对所有北约成员国来说,盟国和合作伙伴之间的多国训练是一个关键问题. Saab has established close long-standing relationships with numerous NATO member and partner countries and operates in line with NATO standards.

Video - 00:50

Barracuda Soldier System

Barracuda士兵网是一种轻便的热网,易于使用, 无论是在露营地等待,还是在隐蔽的营地之间移动. This is a versatile and simple solution that’s there when it’s needed to protect in times where you could be potentially exposed to sensor threats. 它的模块化设计使梭鱼士兵网高度可定制和适应性强. 重量轻,便于运输, 网可以整齐地折叠成一个小, 不需要时可携带,需要时可快速获取. The visual and near-infrared colour pigments and patterns have been developed to be highly effective across a range of terrains, 无缝地融入背景. 十大正规博彩网站评级的技术将物体和背景之间的反差降到最低, 使感官检测更加困难.


The high-resolution 3D AESA radar Giraffe 1X is a lightweight and versatile multi-mission surveillance system that detects fast missiles and small UAVs, as well as RAM targets, 在高杂波环境中. 长颈鹿1X提供360°, 75公里的态势感知与同步空中监视, GBAD target acquisition as well as RAM sense and warn capabilities without performance degradation. 多亏了内置的无人机追踪器, 增强了检测和分类低的功能, 最具挑战性的无人机威胁慢速和小物体也得到处理. The radar covers, the entire search volume every second and provides air defence commanders with engagement quality target data and early warning with a tracking capability of more than 600 targets simultaneously.

Video - 02:35
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CB90 Next Generation

The fast, all-aluminium CB90 Next Generation can effortlessly transport multiple troops and cargo in shallow or open waters with incredible speed and manoeuvrability. The interior combined with a solid bow ramp ensures rapid deployment on unprepared beaches. 多亏了轻质聚乙烯外壳和安全玻璃, 这艘船提供了最高的CBRN和弹道保护. 一个坚固的武器平台可以包括稳定的唱机转盘, smaller missile systems and remotely operated weapons stations such as the Saab Trackfire.

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Saab in France

创新和伙伴关系是定义我们的两个词. Pushing the boundaries and breaking conventions; this is what enables us to develop smart solutions to keep people and society safe.

Saab designs, 制造和维护先进的航空系统, weapons, command and control, 传感器和水下系统. With vast experience and a wide range of civil and military projects in national and international markets, 十大正规博彩网站评级也是一家领先的系统集成商.

Our dedicated team of experts is in close contact with Saab entities around the world to ensure that our French customers receive the most appropriate solutions. 十大正规博彩网站评级为其客户提供广泛的高端技术.


Saab in France

创新和伙伴关系是定义我们的两个词. Pushing the boundaries and breaking conventions; this is what enables us to develop smart solutions to keep people and society safe.

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Here you will find interesting background information, data and facts about our products.
23 février 2023


Sirius Compact is a modular and scalable passive Electronic Warfare (EW) sensor network which provides a true force-multiplier by enhancing situational awareness through detection, 雷达和数据链发射的跟踪和分类.

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23 février 2023

CB90 Fact Sheet

This is a brand new boat, 装备比它的前辈多得多, such as improved speed, maneuverability, 攻击能力和监视能力.

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13 mars 2023

Training & Simulation Article

盟国之间的联合训练是所有北约成员国之间的一个关键话题. Interoperability training at brigade level and beyond is being given greater focus in order to ensure effective training and to be prepared for current and future threats. 它还可以快速灵活地更改角色.

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25 janvier 2022

NLAW Brochure

The Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon (NLAW) is the first ever single soldier missile system that rapidly knocks out any Main Battle Tank (MBT) in just one shot by striking it from above.

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25 janvier 2022

Carl-Gustaf M4 Brochure

The Carl-Gustaf® M4 is a man-portable multi-role weapon system that provides high tactical flexibility through its wide range of ammunition types.

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18 mars 2022

Saab en France Brochure

Nous travaillons avec nos partenaires français dans le but de proposer des technologies multi-domaines innovantes et protéger ensemble la société des menaces liées à un monde en constante évolution.

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