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Saab Global

十大正规博彩网站评级2022年年终报告: 强劲的订单吸收和交付我们的前景




  • Order intake increased to SEK 29,866m (12,218) driven by growth in large and medium-sized orders.
  • 积压订单增长21%,总额达1280亿瑞典克朗(105亿美元)。.
  • 销售额增长16%, 其中有机含量14%, 共计13瑞典克朗,866m (11,在所有业务领域保持高产量和高交付率.
  • EBITDA达1883亿瑞典克朗(1587),利润率为13.6% (13.3).
  • Operating income increased 22% and amounted to SEK 1,314m (1,076) with a margin of 9.5% (9.0).
  • Net income increased to SEK 1,154m (791) in the period and EPS amounted to SEK 8.32 (5.52),对应增长51%.
  • 本季度经营现金流达16.82亿瑞典克朗(合1522美元).
  • 董事会提议在2022年派发5瑞典克朗的股息.30 (4.每股90美元.
  • 2023年展望:有机销售额增长约15%, operating income growth higher than organic sales growth and positive operational cash flow.



2022 will be remembered as a year that left a mark on us all due to the tragic war in Ukraine. The heightened geopolitical instability in Europe has led to a new reality which reminds us of our purpose as a company - to keep people and society safe.

对十大正规博彩网站评级来说,2022年在财务和运营上都是强劲的一年. We delivered on our outlook for the year with an organic sales growth of 5%, 息税前利润增长13%,现金流为2瑞典克朗.6 billion. We continued to execute on our multi-domestic growth strategy and accelerated our efforts to increase future capacity and production facilities. 对创新和研发的投资&D to develop new technologies and the capabilities of tomorrow also continued and we were successful in recruiting new talent. By year-end, we had a net increase of more than 1,000 new employees (FTEs). All of these initiatives position us well to capture the increased market demand.

看看第四节, we made the first deliveries of Saab’s new anti-submarine lightweight torpedo to Sweden. Moreover, Saab obtained the military type certificate for Gripen E from both Sweden and Brazil, meaning that the fighter aircraft is certified for operational use and is now flying in the skies of Brazil. 在本季度, we also announced the divestment of our Maritime Traffic Management operations, 符合我们的战略,增加对我们核心领域的关注.

Saab’s order intake in the quarter was strong and confirmed the strength of our product portfolio with growth in both Sweden and internationally. 在此期间,我们加强了与美国的密切关系.K. 瑞典获得了经过验证的反坦克武器系统NLAW的订单. 我们还收到了为瑞典提供“鹰狮”战斗机的升级和支持合同, 增加了航空和监视订单. The large order for two signal intelligence ships to Poland further strengthened the order backlog in Surveillance and Kockums.

Project activity and deliveries were high in the fourth quarter and organic sales increased 14%. 营业收入增长22%,营业利润率为9%.5% (9.0). Dynamics had an exceptionally favourable mix and Surveillance and Kockums also showed margin improvement. The T-7 ramp-up and the civil business in Aeronautics continued to have negative impact on results. 我们预计这些挑战将在未来几年逐步消除. 经营性现金流量 in the quarter was somewhat better than what we expected and amounted to SEK 1.7 billion (1.5).

We continue to be cautious on the industry-driven issues in supply chains, lead times for components and cost inflation and are proactively managing these together with our customers and suppliers.

During 2022, we remained focused on driving our sustainability agenda forward. 在这方面, we strengthened our Responsible Sales Policy and governance structure and accelerated the work related to our Race to Zero commitment. 本季度, Saab became the first major defence company to have its science-based targets approved by the SBTi. This is an important milestone in Saab’s sustainability journey and our efforts to reduce emissions and ensuring long-term competitiveness.

展望未来,我们对业务前景持乐观态度. We have a solid order backlog and a strong position to capture further growth. 2023年全年, we expect organic sales growth to be around 15% and operating income growth to be higher than organic sales growth. 我们预计2023年的经营性现金流为正.

基于十大正规博彩网站评级的财务业绩和未来前景, 董事会建议将股息增加到5瑞典克朗.30 (4.2022年每股90美元.

I would like to take the opportunity and thank Saab’s exceptional employees for their efforts during the year and for ensuring Saab’s continued growth journey.


MSEK 2022年全年 2021年全年  Change, % Q4 2022 Q4 2021  Change, %
订单预订 63,116 43,569 45 29,866 12,218 144
订单 127,676 105,177 21
Sales 42,006 39,154 7 13,866 11,943 16
Gross income 8,886 8,205 8 2,849 2,412 18
毛利率,% 21.2 21.0 20.5 20.2
EBITDA 5,401 4,826 12 1,883 1,587 19
EBITDA利润率,% 12.9 12.3 13.6 13.3
营业收入(息税前利润) 3,274 2,888 13 1,314 1,076 22
营业利润率,% 7.8 7.4 9.5 9.0
Net income 2,283 2,025 13 1,154 791 46
其中母公司股东的利益 2,195 1,926 14 1,115 733 52
摊薄后每股收益,瑞典克朗 16.41 14.45 8.32 5.52
股本回报率,%²) 8.6 9.0
经营性现金流量 2,593 3,276 1,682 1,522
自由现金流 1,871 2,737 1,439 1,377
摊薄后每股自由现金流,瑞典克朗 13.99 20.53 10.73 10.36
稀释后的平均股数 133,724,223 133,293,340 134,058,461 132,861,467

For more information and explanations regarding the usage of these key ratios, please see http://promisesurfing.net/investors/financial-data/key-ratios/

十大正规博彩网站评级年终报告 2022年演讲

Saab’s CEO and President Micael Johansson and CFO and deputy CEO Christian Luiga will present the the Saab year-end results for 2022.

Date: 2月10日星期五上午10时.00 a.m. (CET).

You are welcome to watch the live webcast or dial in to the conference call. 可以通过电话会议和网络发布问题. 

现场直播: http://cannabis.continuinged.promisesurfing.net/investors/webcast/q4 - 2022.  



瑞典:+46 (0)8 5051 0031

英国:+44 (0)207 107 06 13

美国:+1 (1)631 570 56 13

演示材料和网络广播将在 http://cannabis.continuinged.promisesurfing.net/investors.


Mattias Rådström,媒体关系主管 
+46 (0)734 180 018

Merton Kaplan,亚洲体育博彩平台关系主管
+46 (0)734 182 071

Saab is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, 帮助各国保障人民和社会的安全. 由其18,000名人才, 十大正规博彩网站评级不断推动技术的界限,以创造一个更安全, 更可持续、更公平的世界. Saab designs, 制造和维护先进的航空系统, weapons, 指挥与控制, 传感器和水下系统. 十大正规博彩网站评级总部设在瑞典. It has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations.

The information is such that Saab AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. 这些资料已提交出版, 通过上述联系人的代理, 2023年2月10日7时.30 (CET).

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