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盟国的联合训练是所有北约成员国之间的一个关键话题. It is about the reemergence of conventional warfare as opposed to counterinsurgency and peacekeeping operations, 哪些是过去二十年的趋势. In order to ensure effective training - often together with international allies - and to be prepared for this threat as well as to be able to change roles flexibly and quickly, 旅级及以上级别的互操作性训练日益受到重视.

为国际稳定行动作出贡献的现代武装部队, 与其他国家的互操作性和合作已成为一个关键因素, 特别是在合法地与对手交战的能力方面.  它涉及安全政策以及军事战略和技术方面. The impacts of interoperability are therefore significant and something that more armies are considering when developing their training doctrine and 培训, 技术和程序(TTPs).


In 2021 Saab has signed a contract for the delivery of several live training systems and services to the Polish Armed Forces. The order comprises the supply of a complete live training solution for a reinforced mechanised battalion and four training centres for company size units. 该订单将确保波兰武装部队装备创新的, 灵活的培训方案和所需的培训能力. 它使波兰武装部队的训练尽可能接近现实, 无论是在国内,还是在国际合作中需要的时候. The solution includes capabilities such as Saab’s latest exercise control (EXCON) and communication systems, 还有最新一代的高保真士兵模拟器, 武器和车辆. 支持组件包括可部署的, 为波兰武装部队提供综合后勤和作战支持. 

With decades of experience and expertise in the production and marketing of state-of-the-art military training and simulation systems, 十大正规博彩网站评级公司也被德国武装部队选中进一步深化合作. 在2020年至2026年的合同期内, the operation of the Bundeswehr Combat 培训 Centre Gefechtsübungszentrum (GÜZ) will be supported in the areas of management and maintenance.   除了德军, GÜZ也经常被荷兰等其他国家使用, 奥地利, 捷克共和国, 美国第7集团军和它的欧洲可部署仪器系统(DISE), 最近, 英国军队.  


英国军队, 以及美国合作伙伴, has participated in interoperable exercises using the Saab Direct Fire Weapon Effects Simulator (DFWES), 自20世纪90年代中期以来一直在使用.  The DFWES is an interoperable laser-based system for tactical mission simulation and enables individual as well as collective and mission-specific training. 十大正规博彩网站评级为英国陆军提供持久的集体训练支持服务, 敏捷的现场团队部署在世界各地,提供嵌入式支持. 同时, Saab has facilities at all infantry schools and supports UK Special Forces in counter- terrorist operations training.

与比利时, 欧洲的另一个市场已经认识到互操作的必要性, and the armed forces recently opted to procure a completely new training center to enhance their training capability and become fully interoperable. The modern Combat 培训 Centre (CTC) delivered by Saab is the heart of military training and connects to weapon and target simulators, 以及车辆和通信系统的控制, 监测和收集有关, 客观高保真度训练数据. High fidelity data is key to enable detailed analysis and the production of enhanced after-action reviews of training events. 几年来, the Belgian Army has been using training systems for realistic simulations in the field of combat training, 和北约的互操作性是当前新采购的重点. Since 2021 they train in accordance with the standards of the IUC members (Interoperability User Community) and participate in multinational exercises alongside armed forces from the Netherlands, 波兰, 德国, 奥地利, 瑞典, 挪威, 芬兰, 英国和美国.S. 军队等等.

carl - gustaf ODT


然而,没有什么可以代替实际的战斗经验, 现实主义是优化训练体验的关键. Live simulation training solutions provide this realism and the high-fidelity data to learn the key lessons to maximize combat effectiveness. Virtual simulation training allows the user to practice procedures and equipment handling but has its limitations.  实景模拟训练增加了关键的外部影响因素. 作战部队在日益复杂的战场上作战, 在敌方精确的火力下, 造成和接受伤亡, 在极端的环境条件下,并配备了新兴的技术. 

Studies show that troops who experience realistic live simulation training and receive objective high-fidelity data feedback learn quicker and gain confidence in their performance. This gives them the best chance of successfully fulfilling the mission in the real combat environment. 最终, 目的是发展和提高战术技能和真实的表现, 逼真的战斗场景和任务, 以及培养士兵的个人本能. The robustness and reliability of simulation systems that develop these skills and instincts are key to success.

训练系统必须准确地复制各自武器系统的所有特征. 模拟武器和装备必须复制准确的特征, 实弹武器系统的形态与功能. 同样, 武器系统的性能,如射程, 弹道和飞行时间非常重要. 除了任何听觉反馈, 发射模拟武器和发射真实武器之间应该没有区别.  The smooth transition between simulation weapons and real weapons allows the user to develop skills and optimize performance in conjunction with the TTPs of the respective armies. 


虽然大多数实弹训练系统使用激光来模拟坦克弹药的发射, 反坦克武器和装甲车辆武器系统的支援火力, only Saab's BT46 2-way laser system simulates the velocity and time of flight as well as the trajectory of ammunition.  This high-fidelity ballistics data provides accurate and reliable feedback on the firing accuracy of weapons over 40 millimeters caliber. 此外, this training technology can also be adapted for use with smaller specialized weapons such as sniper rifles, 机枪和榴弹发射器. The system can be used in the live simulation combat environment and as a high-fidelity gunnery trainer - offering good value for money by saving the cost of expensive live rounds for the same training value. The laser code developed by Saab is considered today's NATO standard in the domain of training and simulation.

BT 46


除了互操作性和现实性, 模块化和可扩展性也是优秀仿真训练的重要组成部分.  十大正规博彩网站评级支持从个人到集体训练的进展,直到旅级. 在规模上促进了支持, 优化硬件的融合和交互, software and multiple communication options to provide a hyper-realistic simulated combat environment. 单兵配备了无线电和传感器系统来跟踪他们的位置, 火力和命中效果, 以及他们的医疗状况.  该系统也能够测量地面作战车辆、直升机和海上船只. 模拟战场威胁的能力也是可能的, 当烟火, 高压空基设备被用来模拟爆炸. 

多个战场可以通过卫星连接起来,并集成到一个联合演习场景中. An intelligent communication network and Saab WinExcon software collect high-fidelity data in real time from up to 2,500名球员,并允许回放以及分析的效果和结果提供客观, 有针对性的反馈.  反恐行动, 化学, 生物, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) and Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) training capabilities are also possible with the live simulation system.



The next step in the development - Beyond Live 培训 - combines the realism of high-accuracy live training with virtual technologies. 十大正规博彩网站评级首次展示了“Fire”等非视距能力 & 观察”导弹. 这些新的间接火灾解决方案被集成到WinExcon软件中, 用户可以规划, 执行, 控制和评估军事训练演习. WinExcon的一个新功能是微软的HoloLens沙盒, 可以实时3D追踪每一个参与演习的人. Vricon的One World Terrain为这个应用程序提供了逼真的3D地图. The above technologies will further enhance training capabilities and fill the gap in the need for optimized live training experiences.


培训 & 模拟

现实的训练,紧随其后的即时反馈是为真正的任务做准备的最好方法. 培训 experience leads to quick, correct decision making in real situations, saving lives at risk.

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