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The full sensory experience: welcome to the future of military training

6 min read

From mixed reality to ultra-realistic virtual environments, tomorrow’s military training will be even better at preparing soldiers for battle. 

In the not too distant future, a ground combat troop is engaging the enemy on the battle field. As he aims his weapon to fire at the enemy, a mortar shell explodes to his right and a jet fighter screams overhead. 


But not everything is as it seems. This is a training simulation and while the soldier and landscape are real, the mortar shell and the jet are computer generated. 这名士兵和他的队友们在进行战斗训练时戴着一种精密的耳机,这使得他们看起来和听起来都像真的一样.


While such a scenario is not possible on a large scale just yet, it may not be too far off. 随着新技术和新装备的出现,用于准备战场的部队的技术也在不断发展. One likely outcome is that training will become even more realistic, 这样,当士兵们最终发现自己面对真正的敌人时,他们面临的惊喜就会减少.

Today’s advanced technologies

Already today, advanced military training, like that provided by Saab, relies on a diverse range of sophisticated technologies. Our virtual weapons trainers for indoor use, for example, create realistic depictions of battlefield scenarios. 接受此类训练的士兵将获得真实武器的精确加权表示. Compressed air is used to simulate any recoil during firing, 交互式视频屏幕显示计算机生成的不同战斗场景和敌人的图像. As users ‘fire’ at the screen, the training computer factors in variables such as flight time, temperature and wind, all of which help determine whether each shot is a hit or a miss.


Similarly, 我们先进的激光为基础的现场训练演习的设置汇集了技术,准确地复制真实的子弹的弹道特性. 士兵们携带着真正的武器,里面装着空包弹,枪管上装有发射编码激光的装置. Pulling the trigger activates the laser. 所有参加此类演习的人都在头盔和背心上佩戴传感器,当发射的武器枪管发出的激光击中他们时,传感器就会探测到. Gyros and computers are used to factor in variables such as travel distance, 重力和目标的运动来决定每次射击是否能在真实条件下击中目标.

In the case of weapons with electronic sights, such as tanks and anti-tank weapons, virtual elements can already be incorporated as part of training. 计算机可以用来生成障碍物和对手,这些障碍物和对手被上传到视野中,用户必须对它们做出反应.

在实时仿真中对不同技术的选择经常会引起争论,并且这些意见可以强有力地支持各种观点. The question does not need to be one or the other but rather best fit-for-purpose. The Saab live training solution, Gamer, is technology agnostic, meaning that laser as well as other technologies such as geo-pairing, GPS and other technologies can be used. 这样就有可能支持不同的交战类型,包括火炮和战斗支援. The technology in itself is not the most important, key is what needs to be simulated and what is the best way to implement this. The most important is that high-fidelity, 现实的训练和客观的反馈以相关的速度提供,目的是改善训练结果并培养自信的士兵.  

Mixed-reality training

Moving ahead this kind of experience is likely to be extended to soldiers on the ground. The development of augmented reality headsets, like Microsoft’s HoloLens, are now promising to deliver an even more complex and lifelike training experience.

HoloLens由一副带有透明显示屏的护目镜和一个软垫头带和迷你扬声器组成. When the users looks through the goggles, 3D images can be generated that appear to blend in with their real surrounds. Matching sounds can be played through the mini speakers. In this way, 可以实现真实和虚拟体验的结合——这种状态有时被称为“混合现实”。.

虽然目前在复杂的计算机中使用这种技术存在计算能力和重量和尺寸的限制, multi-soldier exercises, these may eventually be resolved. 想象一下这样一个系统:飞行员在飞行模拟器中“飞过”真实的战场,与敌人交战. While the pilots remain on the ground in real life, 战场上的地面部队戴着耳机“看到”飞机飞过,听到它们的轰鸣声. Or perhaps tanks, steered by drivers in remote simulators, appear on the battlefield and can be ‘destroyed’ using shoulder-fired weapons. Such systems could also be used to ‘alter’ the terrain in which training takes place, converting it from rural to urban, for example.

Harvesting more data

培训系统可能发展的另一种方式是收集和分析更多的数据. 这可能有用的一个例子与从单兵身上收集的生物特征数据有关. Sensors can currently be used to monitor vital signs such as heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and body temperature. 在未来,对这些数据的分析很可能会让我们深入了解个别士兵感到压力和思维不清晰的情况. This knowledge could help in ongoing training, improving each soldier’s response to stressors and ability to succeed in combat. Another use for data is to extensively analyse battle strategies, identifying weaknesses and strengths. Saab’s systems already allow for extensive post-battle analysis, but there is enormous potential for this to be expanded, yielding further insights.

More realistic VR environments

Meanwhile, 随着计算能力的提高和人工智能的不断出现,虚拟环境的现实性和虚拟对手的行为可能会进一步提高. Just as computer games have grown exponentially in realism over recent years, the backdrops, terrains and enemies featured in virtual trainers are constantly evolving. In the years ahead, 也许很难区分由虚拟教练创造的计算机生成的世界和真实的世界.

New generation mobile networks will also have an impact. For complex live-training exercises where no mobile network is available, 十大正规博彩网站评级目前部署了一种称为数据采集网络(DAN)的系统,用于关键数据并将其与商业网络混合. This makes it possible to collect and analyse information on the position of each participant, the various weapons   that have been fired, and who has been hit. As civilian networks expand and become more widespread, it will become easier to conduct training in remote locations. Higher data speeds will allow for complex exercises and even more data gathering.

所有这些技术上的进步意味着当未来的士兵出现在战场上时, they will be ready for action and able to hit the ground running.