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Fighting forces which train the most effectively are the ones with the most realistic and immersive solutions. 每一个水平, 无论是训练场景, 环境或系统, needs to reflect authentic battlefield experiences in order to hone combat instincts. The foundation of this is allowing warfighters to train with weapons and equipment that accurately simulate the fit, 战场装备的形态和功能.

The most effective warfighter is the one who is best prepared through rigorous testing and trained to overcome the intensities of combat. Honing this requires military training which presents authentic combat scenarios and missions, allowing combatants to use and develop actual battlefield skills and instincts. 允许这样做, simulation systems need to be as reliable and robust as actual battlefield equipment and able to operate in any environment no matter the conditions, 这样你就可以随时训练战斗了, 在任何地方.

Saab offers the most realistic 训练和模拟系统 on the market, 以忠诚为核心原则, 精准深入的分析. 我们的 训练和模拟系统 don’t just look to surpass the realism of competitors; they take realism to the very limits of possibility at every technical level. With this degree of fidelity, forces can train to win in any environment around the globe.

Range, ballistics and time of flight are hugely important characteristics of any weapon system.

“Range, ballistics and time of flight are hugely important characteristics of any weapon system. And these characteristics need be in the warfighter’s mind both when conducting training and on operations. So training systems must also replicate these same characteristics, in order that weapons can be correctly employed and the necessary lessons learned in the safety of the training environment.”
汉斯·林德格伦,业务发展主管 at Saab’s business unit Training and Simulation.

Saab’s scalable and modular training solutions can support training at every level, from basic individual tactical skills to Combined Arms Brigade collective training. 现代战场可能是不可预测的, but Saab provides the globally proven tools and solutions that allow warfighters to fight, 克服和赢得每一个级别.

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