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Report from Saab’s Annual General Meeting 2024

Saab’s Annual General Meeting was held on 11 April 2024 in Linköping. 您可以在十大正规博彩网站评级的网站上找到总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·约翰逊以及董事会主席马库斯·瓦伦堡的演讲:


Approval of Income Statement and Balance Sheet 
The Annual General Meeting approved the Parent Company’s Income Statement and Balance Sheet, and the Consolidated Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the financial year 2023. 

The Annual General Meeting decided on a dividend of SEK 6.40 per share to the shareholders, to be paid out in two equal instalments. At the first instalment, SEK 3.20 per share is paid with the record date Monday, 15 April 2024. At the second instalment, SEK 0.80 per share (provided implementation of the share split 4:1) with the record date Tuesday, 8 October 2024. 预计将于2024年4月18日星期四和2024年10月11日星期五从欧洲清算瑞典公司支付股息, respectively.

Discharge from liability    

The Board of Directors
In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, Anders Ynnerman was elected as new Board member and the following Board members were re-elected; Lena Erixon, Henrik Henriksson, Micael Johansson, Danica Kragic Jensfelt, Johan Menckel, Bert Nordberg, Erika Söderberg Johnsson, Sebastian Tham, Marcus Wallenberg and Joakim Westh. Sara Mazur had declined re-election. Marcus Wallenberg was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. At the Board Meeting following the Annual General Meeting, Bert Nordberg was re-elected as Deputy Chairman of the Board.

In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, 年度股东大会决定重新选举普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers AB)为审计师,直至2025年年度股东大会结束.

Fees to the Board of Directors and the Auditor
The General Meeting decided, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, that the Board fees shall be SEK 2,250,000 to the Chairman of the Board, SEK 850,000 to the Deputy Chairman, and SEK 740,由股东大会选举产生且不受雇于本公司的其他董事会成员每人可获得5,000美元. Compensation for work in the Audit Committee shall be SEK 360,000 to the Chairman and SEK 230,000 to each of the other Audit Committee members. Compensation for work in the Remuneration Committee shall be SEK 195,000 to the Chairman and SEK 115,000 to each of the other Remuneration Committee members. 

Fees to the Auditor are to be paid according to approved invoice.

Remuneration report

Long-term incentive programme 2025 and acquisition and transfer of own shares
股东周年大会根据董事会关于2025年长期激励计划(“2025年长期激励计划”)的建议作出决定, consisting of three parts: Share Matching Plan 2025, Performance Share Plan 2025 and Special Projects Incentive 2025. LTI 2025 comprises a maximum of 4,400,000 shares of series B provided implementation of the share split 4:1.

The Share Matching Plan 2025 covers all permanent employees. The participants can save up to five percent of the cash base salary, for purchase of shares of series B in Saab. 如果购买的股份被保留三年,十大正规博彩网站评级集团内部的工作继续, 十大正规博彩网站评级将无偿授予该员工相应数量的B系列股票. The programmes covers a maximum of 2,560,000 shares of series B provided implementation of the share split 4:1.

“业绩股份计划2025”针对包括CEO在内的最多300名核心员工. The participants can save up to 7.5 percent of the cash base salary for purchase of shares of series B in Saab. 如果购买的股份被保留三年,十大正规博彩网站评级集团内部的工作继续, the employee is entitled to matching of performance shares, free of consideration, provided that the performance targets are met. 根据该计划,员工每购买一股股票,最多可获得4-7股业绩股, depending on the group belonging. 业绩股的数量与五个业绩目标挂钩:有机销售增长(20-40%权重), 2025财政年度的息税前利润率(20-40%权重)和经营性现金流(20-40%权重), 在2025-2027财政年度期间减少二氧化碳(5%的权重),并在2027财政年度结束前增加十大正规博彩网站评级集团女性员工的比例(5%的权重). In aggregate, the financial performance targets will comprise a maximum allotment of 90 percent, and the two sustainability targets an allotment of 10 percent. The Performance Share Plan 2025 covers a maximum of 1,160,000 shares of series B provided implementation of the share split 4:1.

2025年特别项目奖励计划针对包括首席执行官在内的最多150名关键员工. Special Projects Incentive 2025 is a complement to the Performance Share Plan 2025. 参与该计划的前提是参与2025年业绩股份计划或2025年股份匹配计划. 该方案使雇员有权获得最多相当于15-52的业绩股份.5 per cent of the cash base salary for the financial year 2025 depending on group belonging, 前提是聘期为三年,并达到工作表现指标. 业绩股的分配是基于在2025年实现10至15个同等加权的业绩目标, 包括与十大正规博彩网站评级战斗机系统核心领域内的十大正规博彩网站评级特殊项目相关的操作目标和里程碑, Command and Control Systems, Underwater Systems, Advanced Weapon Systems and Sensors. 特殊项目可以与现有的积压和未来能力的发展联系起来, including digitalisation, within each of the defined core areas. For the CEO and other members of the Group Management, 在该计划和《十大正规博彩网站评级》中分配业绩股份, 总金额最高可达行政总裁基本现金薪金的75%及集团管理层其他成员基本现金薪金的60%. The programme covers a maximum of 680,000 shares of series B provided implementation of the share split 4:1.

年度股东大会还决定授权董事会决定最多收购1家公司,100,000 shares of series B (or maximum of  4,400,在实行4:1的股权分割后,将出售1000股B系列股票,以确保将股票交付给十大正规博彩网站评级激励计划的参与者. The General Meeting further decided that no more than 1,100,000 shares of series B (or maximum of  4,400,000 shares of series B following implementation of the share split 4:1)  may be transferred, free of consideration, to participants in LTI 2025. 根据LTI 2025的条件,转移通常在2028财政年度和2029年2月进行.

Acquisition and transfer of own shares
The Annual General Meeting decided on authorising the Board to, before the next Annual General Meeting, 决定收购B系列股份,最多不超过公司股份总数的10%. 授权的目的是能够调整公司的资本结构,从而为增加股东价值做出贡献,并能够在潜在的公司收购中持续使用收购的股份, where applicable, for the Company’s share-related incentive programmes.

The Board of Directors was further authorised to, before the next Annual General Meeting, decide on transfer of own shares in connection with acquisition of companies. 该授权的目的是为董事会在公司收购融资方面提供更大的行动范围.

It was also decided that the Company shall have the right to, in consideration of earlier years’ established incentive programmes, before the next Annual General Meeting, over the stock exchange transfer a maximum of 330,000 shares of series B (or 1,320,在实行4:1的股权分割后,为了支付一定的费用,在B系列发行了000股股票, mainly social security payments.

Share split and amendment to the articles of association
年度股东大会根据董事会关于股份分割和修改公司章程的建议作出决定, whereby each share shall be divided, regardless of series, into four shares. The Board of Directors was authorised to decide on the record date for the share split. 

Shares and votes
The company has in total 135,845,847 shares, of which 2,383,903 are shares of series A with ten votes per share and 133,461,944 are shares of series B with one vote per share, which together represent 157,300,974 votes. The Company holds 2,385,547 own shares of series B, corresponding to 2,385,547 votes. 


Saab Press Centre
+46 (0)734 180 018

Saab is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. Empowered by its 22,000 talented people, 十大正规博彩网站评级不断推动技术的边界,以创造一个更安全,更可持续的世界. Saab designs, manufactures and maintains advanced systems in aeronautics, weapons, command and control, sensors and underwater systems. Saab is headquartered in Sweden. 它在世界各地都有主要行动,是几个国家国内防御能力的一部分.


11 April 2024
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