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Giraffe AMB RBS 70


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灵活的, fast-to-deploy, and comparatively inexpensive, 近程系统是任何国家地基防空(GBAD)战略的重要组成部分.



Capable of shooting down aerial threats from a large distance, 它们为武装部队提供了对抗敌机的主要威慑力量, drones and missiles. 很少有战斗机飞行员会自信地爬进驾驶舱,因为他们知道自己的飞行路线将把他们置于远程GBAD的射程之内.

所以, 当军队开始研究潜在的GBAD解决方案时,这是很自然的, 有些人认为远程系统是他们所需要的. Why invest in systems with shorter ranges, 他们问, when a long-range system can provide all the coverage needed?

The truth is that this kind of logic is highly flawed.

For all the strengths of long-range systems, 他们不可能在所有的战斗情况下都有效. High-performing short-range solutions, such as our RBS 70 ng, bring a variety of benefits unavailable to long-range GBAD, helping armed forced to create a layered, truly comprehensive air defence system.

So, where do long-range systems fall down? How can a good short-range system help fill the gaps? 为什么短程GBAD被认为是任何国家防空战略的重要组成部分?

RBS 70 ng
RBS 70 ng

Short-range GBAD makes financial sense

One key shortfall of long-range GBAD solutions is price. Simply put, they are extremely expensive. 典型远程系统的发射装置可以很容易地运行到600万美元, with individual missiles coming in at USD 5 to 6 million. Given the accuracy and lethality that such systems provide, 如果你只是想击落价值8000万美元的喷气式战斗机,这种投资是完全合理的.

However, warfare is rapidly changing. The West’s enemies are making increasing use of light, agile and inexpensive drones, 既是为了监视目的,也是为了装载弹药的武器. For a relatively small investment, 敌对势力可以派遣数百架武装无人机进入战区, 造成严重破坏. 想想2014年在乌克兰的经历吧,当时俄罗斯军队使用无人机与远程火力相结合,对乌克兰军队造成了毁灭性的打击. Or the outcome of the more recent Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, 在那里,阿塞拜疆军队通过使用无人机作为武器和监视工具赢得了胜利. In such circumstances, 用500万美元的远程导弹击落每一架无人机,很快就会变得不可持续的昂贵.

这就是像RBS 70 ng系统这样更经济的短程解决方案可以发挥宝贵价值的地方. Capable of taking down aircraft, drones and missiles from up to nine kilometres away, RBS 70系统是完全便携式的,可以在45秒内发射. 这种武器及其导弹的价格要便宜得多,这意味着部队在与一架无人机或整个无人机中队交战之前不必犹豫. 骚扰无人机和诱饵无人机以及真正的威胁都可以立即出动. 与此同时,RBS 70 ng对于先进的现代喷气式飞机来说同样致命.

Short-range GBAD can mean more coverage

远程系统的高成本也限制了它们广泛分布的能力. 一个典型的远程系统的有效射程只有70或80公里. 然而,大国有数百万平方公里的土地要覆盖. 即使是最富有的国家也无法通过远程系统实现全面覆盖.

在这里,像RBS 70 ng这样出色的近程系统提供了一个解决方案. 每单位和每枚导弹的较低价格允许RBS 70 ng在一个国家的武装部队中广泛分布. It can be rolled out at the section, squad and even team level, 把击落一架飞机的权力交给一个小, mobile fire teams. 这使得GBAD能力能够在受到威胁的地区迅速铺开.

Saab’s short-range system is not radar dependent

远程GBAD系统依靠雷达来发现、识别和跟踪目标. 问题是,现代喷气式飞机的制造商预见到了雷达制导导弹,并为飞机配备了高效的应对措施. 干扰技术可以用来迷惑和迷惑远程系统发射的导弹, allowing aircraft to pass by unharmed.

Our RBS 70 ng short-range system is different. Unlike the vast majority of GBAD missiles on the market, it relies on ground-based laser guidance to lock onto targets. 从发射点发射的激光束锁定目标并跟随它, creating a clear path for the missile to follow. This all means that once a target is acquired, 再多的雷达干扰或曳光弹的分散(瞄准热制导措施)也不会干扰它的锁定. This makes the system highly lethal, 强迫飞机避免在其9公里操作范围内飞行或面临被摧毁的真正威胁. That creates an incredibly strong deterrent.

Short-range GBAD can be deployed faster

In order to cover larger distances, 远程导弹需要携带额外的燃料,这增加了它们的体积. Long-range launchers, 反过来, 此外,还需要更大,不仅要容纳导弹的额外重量,还要容纳雷达和先进的通信系统, 协调, command and control system. 当需要重新部署这种远程系统时,需要进行重大的后勤演习. 可能需要火车来帮助长途运输单位. 到达后,系统可能需要几个小时才能启动并运行,并能够应对空中威胁.

RBS 70 ng

你认为你能比我们的技术销售支持更快地部署RBS 70 ng吗?

视频- 00:55

这种缺乏敏捷性的问题在于,现代战斗场景是快速移动的. Changes in enemy strategy, the loss of a battalion, 或者,新情报的到来可能都需要迅速调动资产,以提供额外的掩护. If they are protecting assets that are being moved, 地面空中系统需要能够保持同步,这通常意味着飞行速度超过每小时60公里. Cumbersome long-range systems will struggle to do so.

短程GBAD系统往往更加灵活,部署速度也更快. 在RBS 70 ng的情况下,一个两人小组可以携带和发射该系统. 如果需要的话,他们可以乘坐汽车旅行,或者步行进入困难的地形. 就位后, 只需45秒就能准备好武器,并准备好瞄准并击落一架飞机, 无人机还是导弹. 这种部署速度和系统位置的不确定性,让飞行员在面对装备RBS 70 ng的对手时非常头疼. 它还为运送设备和部队的车队前往目的地而不受空中威胁的骚扰创造了机会.

Short range GBAD is hard to detect

A battery of long-range GBAD launchers is hard to hide. 大量的远程系统及其对运输基础设施的依赖是它们最大的致命弱点之一. 它们可以用传统的卫星图像被发现,考虑到最近传感器技术的爆炸式发展,它们甚至更容易受到攻击. 小型无人侦察机现在通常被用于在战区爬行,寻找可以用远程火力摧毁的资产. Long-range GBAD solutions, with their long redeployment times, can be sitting ducks in such scenarios.

RBS 70 ng

RBS 70 ng等短程系统的灵活性和可移植性是其主要优势. 利用卫星图像很难发现它们,它们可以在接到通知后立即移动到新的位置.

Short range fill the gaps under 1000米

远程GBAD系统面临的主要障碍之一是地球的曲率. Over long distances of many tens of kilometres, 地球的曲率为希望避免被雷达探测的飞机创造了一个阴影区. 从下面飞过, 说, 1,000米, 一架战斗机可能能够完全避免被50公里外的远程GBAD电池瞄准.

Short-range systems can fill this gap. When used in combination with long-range systems, 近程GBAD可以消除溜进雷达阴影的好处. 当RBS 70 ng在9公里范围内时,一架低空飞行的敌机极有可能被摧毁.

Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 10.000ft
Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 1.000ft
Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 500ft
Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 100ft

Set and forget capability

可购性, 隐身性和灵活性意味着短程GBAD可以在需要之前很久就部署到位. Fire units can be encamped around, 例如, key power generation or water management infrastructure, in advance of an anticipated invasion occurring. 当威胁出现时,系统可以在几秒钟内启动并运行. 这使得它对空中威胁的反应能力和威力远远超过战斗机中队.

MANPAD systems can go anywhere

Not all terrain can be accessed by rail or road. 国家边界可能包括茂密的森林或其他难以进入的荒野地区. 这使得远程系统无法访问它们,从而造成防御缺口. RBS 70 ng等短程系统的一个关键优势是人员便携性. If a location can be reach on foot, by bike or other light motor vehicle, a GBAD system can be set up there.

RBS 70 ng br
RBS 70 ng br
RBS 70 ng br

This is equally advantageous in urban combat zones. RBS 70 ng可以通过建筑物携带到屋顶,以获得一个极佳的射击位置来击落空中威胁.

Key RBS 70 ng features

In addition to the characteristics detailed above, 我们的RBS 70 ng系统汇集了一系列功能,以实现高质量的近程防空. 该系统发射的导弹能够达到2马赫,该解决方案在高达5000米的高度有效. 导弹摧毁目标后的重新装填时间少于5秒.

RBS 70 ng具有一系列旨在增强操作人员体验的功能. 集成, 高分辨率热成像允许昼夜功能, 而先进的线索可以改善反应时间和目标获取. 自动跟踪器在交战期间协助操作者,并增加命中概率. Meanwhile, built-in video recording allows after-action review.

RBS 70 ng导弹可以在单机模式下独立操作. 另外, 它们可以与监视雷达连接,并与其他发射单元配置形成防空炮台. RBS 70 ng瞄准具也可以在远程控制和车辆应用中交替应用. NG瞄准具和车辆平台的模块化设计允许集成到几乎无限数量的车辆类型中,并进行网络集成和远程

总之, 寻求防御空中威胁的国家武装部队不应将其搜索限制在远程GBAD解决方案上. RBS 70 ng等短程解决方案具有一系列互补优势,包括灵活性, affordability and fast deployment. 它们应自动纳入任何全面的防空战略.

Want to know more about GBAD?



The battlefield is changing. With the advent of drones, unmanned aerial vehicles and other advanced weapons, airborne threats are diversifying all the time, and keeping ground units safe is harder than ever. 十大正规博彩网站评级公司的移动近程防空(MSHORAD)系统是一种车辆集成解决方案,可以识别, counter and neutralise air threats quickly, effectively and decisively.

GBAD image C3 focus

What is ground-based air defence?

Since the first military aircraft took to the skies, 空袭一直是在地面上控制对手最有力的策略之一. 术语地基防空(GBAD)是指一种旨在消除或减少有人驾驶飞机构成的空中威胁的系统, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), smaller drones and missiles. As distinct from air-based air defence, GBAD系统从地球表面或位于海洋环境中的船舶上操作.


更多的 about 埃米尔河中沙洲



Head of Marketing & Technical Sales, Missile Systems

负责导弹系统的市场和技术销售. Former officer in the Swedish Army; from squad leader to Deputy Battery Commander in 空气 Defence Regiment. From 2011 reserve officer within Ground Based 空气 Defence. 

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