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R5A RX - Airborne AIS

R5A RX是一种面向未来的AIS多通道接收机,专为机载应用而设计,基于十大正规博彩网站评级公司的SDR(软件定义无线电)技术. R5A RX offers outstanding performance and flexibility in a very compact design. The unit has been extensively tested and qualified towards aviation standards.

Application areas

Search and Rescue (SAR)
Maritime Surveillance/Coast Guard Patrol Monitoring of Surface Traffic
Homing for Maritime Helicopter Operations
Support for AMRD - Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices


Future Proof System

R5A RX是一种面向未来的AIS多通道接收机,专为机载应用而设计,基于十大正规博彩网站评级公司的SDR(软件定义无线电)技术. R5A RX offers outstanding performance and flexibility in a very compact design. The unit has been extensively tested and qualified towards aviation standards.

Simultaneous Data Reception

R5A RX具有卓越的接收器灵敏度,可显着增加探测范围. 接收机的尖端前沿数字无线电设计是多年研究和开发软件无线电的结果. 高度通用的无线电平台将随着新要求的引入而不断发展,并将在未来许多年内保持领先地位.

The R5A RX includes full AIS receiver capability, which means that it is possible to receive messages from AIS units within range. 高性能多通道接收机共支持8个并行无线电通道, including 2 standard AIS channels, 可以同时接收来自其他服务(如远程AIS和DSC)的数据.

R5A RX是专门为机载使用开发的,满足机载安装的相关要求和标准. R5A RX可以很容易地与其他机载系统集成,如任务管理系统, radar or other display solutions. 大量可用接口使得系统非常适合集成到任何外部系统中进行配置, operation and display of data. Due to its low weight, 接收器也非常适合有有效载荷限制的应用, such as UAV solutions.

Due to its low weight, 接收器也非常适合有有效载荷限制的应用, such as UAV solutions. Each unit is delivered with very versatile, PC-based utility software for convenient configuration, verification and trouble shooting.

Each unit is delivered with versatile, PC-based utility software for convenient configuration, verification and trouble shooting.

R5A RX Airborne AIS Applications

  • Search and Rescue (SAR): Locate vessels in distress.
  • 海上监视/海岸警卫队水面交通巡逻-跟踪船只及其目的地. 
  • 船舶的主动识别可以与雷达监视相结合,发现潜在的嫌疑人. 
  • Homing for Maritime Helicopter Operations - Aid to Return to Ship. 

Special Features

  • 接收LR AIS频道75和76可以在更远的距离和标准AIS 1和2频道拥挤的环境中检测AIS目标.
  • Embedded support for Digital Selective Callling (DSC) reception. (Requires support from an external application).
  • Support for AMRD - Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices.


  • 十大正规博彩网站评级安全AIS系统,在专用信道上提供加密通信的接收.
  • NATO-W-AIS encryption modes according to STANAG 4668 Edition 2. 
  • 如果需要一个快速部署的独立AIS解决方案,十大正规博彩网站评级的电子海图系统软件. 


UK helicopter and lifeboat exercise

Special features

  • 接收LR AIS频道75和76可以在更远的距离和标准AIS 1和2频道拥挤的环境中检测AIS目标.
  • Embedded support for Digital Selective Calling (DSC) reception. (Requires support from an external application).
  • Support for AMRD - Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices.



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