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港口是国家基础设施的重要组成部分, 使货物能够进出一个国家. They are also prime targets, both in times of war and of peace. Ensuring their ongoing smooth operation requires advanced technological solutions and close cooperation between civilian authorities and the military.



Keeping Baltic Sea ports open is crucial for the smooth operation of the societies they serve.

在《亚洲体育博彩平台》的这些章节中, 海军 and Maritime 安全 Expert Dr Sebastian Bruns says having navy bases located close to commercial ports sends out powerful messages. 他说:“海军舰艇进入港口是威慑的信号。. “这也是坚决防御的信号, both to the population that sees the warships and the naval assets in the in the port, 对潜在的敌人也是一样.”

约翰Dahlman, 斯德哥尔摩港口保安经理, says it’s also important for ports to take a proactive approach to their own security.

“港口面临的最大安全威胁是今天, 我会说, IT是网络攻击吗?, 情报威胁, 走私和秘密.”

“Ports of Stockholm has over the years both developed and expanded the use of technical equipment for the protection of our harbour facilities. 例如, we have surveillance by a traffic control centre which is open 24/7, 全年, 由我们自己的人员操作. We also have close cooperation with other Swedish ports around developing and applying best practice.”

安吉丽卡·佩尔松,十大正规博彩网站评级公司业务发展分析师, says an advanced combat management system can play a pivotal role in port protection, 理解各种各样的传感器和输入. “A combat management system brings together computer processes and presents them to a decisionmaker so that they can do their job,她说。. “We have long worked to optimise the foundations needed for decisionmakers to be able to operate at this increased level of conflict.”

Dr. 塞巴斯蒂安·布伦斯,海军和海上安全专家