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Dark, brackish and at times very cold, the Baltic Sea is notoriously inhospitable. And yet under its surface lies communications and energy infrastructure that supports the daily lives of millions of people in surrounding nations. 世界瞬息万变, defending these assets against hostile actors who want to disrupt our way of life has become a priority.



The infrastructure on the floor of the Baltic Sea has never played a more important role in our lives. At the same time, the risk it faces is growing rapidly thanks to geopolitical instability.

Patrik Fältström is Head of 安全 at Netnod, an independent internet infrastructure organisation. 在《亚洲体育博彩平台》的这些章节中,他解释道, “在过去的十年里, the threat situation has changed and the last two years in particular it's become a lot more dangerous.”

“在过去的十年里, the threat situation has changed and the last two years in particular it's become a lot more dangerous.”
Patrik Fältström, Head of 安全 at Netnod, an independent internet infrastructure organisation.

帕特里克·加德斯滕,瑞典海军副司令, 波罗的海多变的盐度, temperatures and bottom topography means advanced sonar equipment is needed to identify threats. “All these factors affect how sounds spreads out and the spread of sound is important for us when we search for submarines and search for mines,他说. “This of course affects the materials and equipment we need to carry out our mission.”

安吉丽卡·佩尔松,十大正规博彩网站评级公司业务发展分析师, explains the undersea environment is complex and advanced systems are needed to manage threats. “You need systems that deliver the right information at the right time to a potential decision maker,她说。.
