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Saab Global

Mixed Reality Services

Work Smarter

混合现实融合了物理世界和数字世界,使你能够自由地解释和询问数字信息. 使用凝视、手势和语音命令直观地浏览数据并与之交互. 这种完全沉浸式的体验为培训提供了完美的平台, conceptualising, and planning, or managing any range of operational functions.

Mixed reality

我们的混合现实应用程序允许您以前所未有的方式可视化和与数据交互. 协作是中心,因为本地和远程用户可以一起查看数据,并且可以看到彼此的视角, allowing effective and efficient use of time.

Decisions makers and key stakeholders work together, evaluating alternatives, 探索这些概念,并更深入地了解他们的决策的影响.

Mixed reality applications add value in planning, training, simulation, analysing data, operations, customer interaction and other pursuits.

十大正规博彩网站评级是微软邀请加入其混合现实合作伙伴计划的首批开发者之一. Our core development team based in Adelaide, 澳大利亚已经为国防创造了广泛的应用, health care, education, marketing and resources sectors. We create applications for various hardware platforms, including *Microsoft HoloLens, 沉浸式混合现实/虚拟现实耳机和Windows pc.

Our reputation for innovative thinking, technical competence, integrity and trust comes from exceeding expectations, delivering on time and to budget. 我们认真倾听并与客户合作,确保他们的最终解决方案满足他们的需求,并为所有用户提供有价值的效率.

Build on core capabilities

我们的地理空间能力构成了一系列应用的基础. Major features supported by the core capability include:

3D holographic maps



Collaboratively work together with remote and local users. You can work in either synchronised or de-synchronised modes. 演示者模式可用于引导其他用户浏览数据故事.

Explore the world

当用户在地图上缩放和平移时,支持不同级别的细节. 您可以根据需要加载基础数据和支持数据.

Real time data integration


Data views


Data transformation

UTM and local site data supported

Work offline


Display devices

在包括微软HoloLens和Windows 10 PC在内的一系列设备上查看数据

Map interaction tool suite

The tool suite includes, ability to cross section the map, pan and zoom, raise and lower the map, 一键信息过滤和可定制的信息面板.

In depth
In depth
Mixed Reality Microsoft Partner

The Hololens is a lightweight, see-through, untethered computer for viewing holograms and projected data.





Marc Bryant
Australian Sales Director | Land and Air Solutions

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