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沙盒 is a geospatial visualisation system where users can see the unfolding or planned mission sequence in true 3D. 沙盒 pulls together from both internal and external sources to create a 3D image allows users to gain a common and more immersive understanding of the data presented.

混合现实 allows users to visualisation information and data with your head up and your hands free. 沙盒 is an innovative tool for mission planning and live training system integration, 包括任务简报, 在行动评审期间和行动评审之后.

沙盒 allows users to gain better communication and understanding of otherwise complex scenarios involving multiple assets. This assists operational decision making, as users are able to see the scenario through another lens.

同时支持本地和远程用户, 沙盒给所有参与者一个真实的场地感, whether that is through a fixed tabletop view or through an immersive full scale view. 沙盒 also supports multiple datasets and shows visualisation evolution by time or phase.

The data import tool is intuitive to use and has features such as customisable filtering, integrating multiple data sources and will update the system as new data becomes available. 沙盒 is guided through instinctive gaze and gestures to pan/zoom the map, 过滤信息, 呈现和交互可定制的信息,如轨道, 平台和兴趣点.

The data management and configuration modules give users the control to add and import data as and when they need it. 可以根据导入数据的方式定制此数据, how it appears and how it is filtered – providing the optimal control over updating data without needing input from external parties.

沙盒 accepts data upgrades into the system without needing restarts which gives the user more flexibility in their work and allows multiple layers such as visual and thermal imagery.

Users can also import 3D models into the system and gives users yet another visualisation method to further explain data and scenarios. Users are also able to control and modify how this information appears to reduce training and cognitive load if necessary.

沙箱从外部系统(如轨道)注入信息, 平台和特定的兴趣点. 例如,沙箱在过去的项目中集成了以下内容:

  • 说集成
  • Csv数据回放
  • 物联网集成
  • X-Box控制器应用
  • Simulator integration; including controlling vehicles and people


  • 态势感知
  • 任务规划
  • 任务rehersal
  • 培训和教育
  • 场地规划
  • 用于定位
  • 与现有系统集成
  • 滨海任务

Hololens是轻量级的, 透明的, 用于观看全息图和投影数据的不受限制的计算机.

Saab was one of the first developers Microsoft invited into their mixed reality partner program


澳洲销售总监| 土地 and 空气 Solutions


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