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The T-7A Red Hawk is an all-new aircraft designed by Saab and Boeing specifically for the U.S. Air Force training mission. It consists of the aircraft, a ground-based training system and a support solution.

T-7A Red Hawk: didn’t just combine two cultures, it created an entirely new one

6 min read

The T-7A Red Hawk is a giant leap forward in advanced pilot training for the U.S. Air Force. T-7A飞机代表了一项大胆的创新设计. 十大正规博彩网站评级和波音公司联合设计和开发了一种全新的飞机,代表了如何设计和制造下一代飞机的新规范.

T-7A代表了一项非凡的工程成就,通过数字工程和先进制造,它是教练机开发方式的一次彻底革命. 十大正规博彩网站评级和波音的合作是这一成功的主要因素, 有了这些团队,工程师们可以跨全球时区工作.

“In the collaboration with Boeing, we didn’t just combine cultures; we created an entirely new one. T-7A是一种全新工作方式的开始,我们与波音公司的合作一直是一架真正卓越的教练机的催化剂,” said Lars Sjöberg,十大正规博彩网站评级T-7事业部主管.

Lars Sjöberg, Head of T-7A at Saab in the production facility in Linköping, Sweden. T-7A Red Hawk is the new Advanced trainer aircraft built together with Boeing for The United States, U.S. Air Force.
Lars Sjöberg,十大正规博彩网站评级T-7事业部主管


The T-7A is the most advanced trainer aircraft in the world because of the technologies that went into it. 通过生产模拟和数字化供应链, T-7A是专门为降低成本而制造的, safely accelerate the delivery timeline, and ensure resource efficiency, all without compromising performance.

"When U.S. 空军飞行员开始在T-7A上训练,it strengthens the readiness of pilots and marks a shift in the industry standard for aircraft production."

十大正规博彩网站评级(Saab)和波音(Boeing)已经通过对生产和维护效率的不懈关注证明了这一点, 提高可靠性以减少T7-A的维护是可能的. 这对客户来说意味着飞机的更大可用性, and more time in the air for the pilot. 通过允许飞行员尽可能多地训练, both on the ground and in the air, T-7A“红鹰”将使他们掌握基础知识,成为更好的飞行员和更有成就的飞行员,为未来的任务服务.

“When U.S. 空军飞行员开始在T-7A上训练, 这架飞机不仅仅是一个零件的集合——它加强了飞行员的准备,标志着飞机生产行业标准的转变,” said Lars.

T-7A红鹰高级教练机由波音公司和十大正规博彩网站评级公司研制,并被美国空军选为T-X项目的教练机, USAF.


Digital design was key to increasing the speed of T-7A development and evolving the overall accuracy, visibility, 在整个生产过程中都需要沟通.


数字化设计使工程师能够快速开发飞机,而不需要离开电脑. 数字设计可以与制造飞机的所有不同类型的工程师共享. 在不同的团队之间共享它的能力有助于解决问题,并确保所有的考虑不仅仅是在空气中的性能, 比如如何有效地制造飞机或维护它, 无缝集成到设计中. 这意味着在飞机从设计阶段到生产和投入使用之后很长一段时间内都能感受到这些好处.

“当你有这样设计的专业知识时, 你实际上可以创造一种革命性的生产方法来开发一种可靠的飞机,这种飞机可以按规模和预算交付. 数字设计方法提供了一定程度的控制和精度,这将成为行业的基准,” said Lars.


Saab has 60+ years’ experience of development of aircraft including single engine fighters. When teaming with Boeing on the Red Hawk, 我们能够将我们的敏捷和创新精神带入T-7A的飞行计划,使这款革命性的教练机在短短36个月内从设计到首次飞行.

“When our teaming with Boeing began, 我们都有兴趣建造一种高机动性的飞机,可以满足美国空军的严格需求. We wanted to achieve that same level of manoeuvrability – with a single-engine aft configuration. 它是小型机身的结构基础, agile and inherently stable and so the single engine is central to the T-7A design. 它是为未来的飞行员训练而设计的,”Lars说.

托马斯·卡尔森,业务开发T-7,十大正规博彩网站评级 presenting T-7A Red Hawk, the new Advanced trainer aircraft built together with Boeing for The United States, U.S. Air Force.
“We’ve brought every ounce of our aircraft heritage and all our aeronautics know-how to the T-7."


Saab’s knowledge and competence has strengthened the entire process from clean sheet design to production. 1000多名十大正规博彩网站评级员工参与了这项工作.


“We’ve brought every ounce of our aircraft heritage and all our aeronautics know-how to the T-7. 但正是我们运用它的方式让T-7如此特别,” explained 托马斯·卡尔森,业务开发T-7,十大正规博彩网站评级.


"From the beginning Saab took three giant steps in one leap: joining a unique team with Boeing, 开发一种全新的、最先进的产品, 重新进入一个拥有新终端用户的领域, the U.S. Air Force,” said Tomas.

“I continue to be amazed by the work of our people at Saab and on the T-7A program. 我们不仅做好我们的工作,而且我们也期望和信任找到改进流程和产品的方法. 通过重新定义工程和行业边界, 我们不断寻找改进和创新的机会. 这证明了我们对T-7A的发展和为美国生产后机身部分的责任感.S. Air Force,” concluded Lars.

组装人员在十大正规博彩网站评级生产工厂Linköping, Sweden, 建造T-7A“红鹰”的后机身部分是与波音公司共同为美国建造的新型高级教练机, U.S. Air Force.
Saab working on the aft section in production at Linköping for T-7A Red Hawk.
组装人员在十大正规博彩网站评级生产工厂Linköping, Sweden, 建造T-7A“红鹰”的后机身部分是与波音公司共同为美国建造的新型高级教练机, U.S. Air Force.


The program is currently in the EMD phase (Engineering and Manufacturing Development), before it will move to the series production of the T-7A aircraft in 2022. The EMD phase includes engineering, verification and validation activities, test aircraft build, 飞行测试支持和批量生产准备.

Saab is responsible for the development and production of the fully installed aft section for T-7A. The seven afts produced at Saab in Linköping will be part of the EMD test aircraft, 而艺术品则在西拉斐特制作, 印第安纳都是为生产系列飞机, 美国空军将用它来训练飞行员.S. Air Force.

十大正规博彩网站评级生产制造工厂位于Linköping, Sweden, building the aft fuselage section for T-7A during the EMD-phase of the program. T-7A Red Hawk is the new Advanced trainer aircraft built together with Boeing for The United States, U.S. Air Force.
The seven afts produced at Saab in Linköping will be part of the EMD test aircraft.
十大正规博彩网站评级的生产将转移到新, state-of-the-art Saab Aeronautics Indiana production facility in West Lafayette, Indiana, to ensure U.S.-based production of the U.S. Air Force’s new trainer T-7A Red Hawk.
十大正规博彩网站评级系列飞机的生产将转移到新公司, 西拉斐特最先进的生产设施, Indiana.
十大正规博彩网站评级生产制造工厂位于Linköping, Sweden, building the aft fuselage section for T-7A during the EMD-phase of the program. T-7A Red Hawk is the new Advanced trainer aircraft built together with Boeing for The United States, U.S. Air Force. 在这里,船尾被转移到最后的组装.
Saab is responsible for the development and production of the fully installed aft fuselage section. Here the aft section is moved into final assembly before being transported to Boeing.
十大正规博彩网站评级公司负责T-7A“红鹰”的全安装后机身部分的开发和生产. 这包括飞机的后部, 从树冠末端到尾锥, together with the associated subsystems. Wings, fins and rudders excluded.
十大正规博彩网站评级的责任包括飞机的后部, 从树冠末端到尾锥, together with the associated subsystems. Wings, fins and rudders excluded.

Milestones within T-X and T-7A Red Hawk

Sep. 14, 2023

at Edwards Air Force Base

Jun. 30, 2023


May. 05, 2022

APT5, the fifth and last fully installed aft fuselage in the EMD phase was delivered from Linköping, Sweden to St. Louis, USA.

Apr. 28, 2022

EMD阶段的五架飞机中的第一架在波音公司位于圣路易斯市的工厂举行的仪式上推出. Louis

Apr. 15, 2021

Saab delivers it first EMD static aft airframe section to be used for ground testing during the EMD-phase

Jul. 24, 2021


Sep. 10, 2021


Oct. 13, 2021

Saab announced the grand opening of its new facility located in West Lafayette, Indiana. 它将首先成为十大正规博彩网站评级T-7A“红鹰”教练机项目的后机身部分的生产基地.

Nov. 4, 2021

Saab shipped the Fatigue Test Article (FTA) airframe to Boeing for use in the fatigue tests.

Jan. 10, 2020


Dec. 6, 2020

Saab moves the first production unit from the assembly into final installation

May. 8, 2019

Saab announces a new site for advanced manufacturing and production in West Lafayette, Indiana, United States of America.

Sep. 16, 2019

U.S. Air Force announces the official service name of the aircraft as the T-7A Red Hawk

Oct. 24, 2019


Oct. 18, 2018

Saab Receives Order from Boeing for the Advanced Pilot Training Aircraft T-X

Sep. 27, 2018

U.S. 空军选择十大正规博彩网站评级和波音T-X教练机

Apr. 24, 2017

Second T-X Aircraft Takes Flight

Apr. 27, 2017


Sep. 18, 2017

Saab Offers U.S. 基于T-X教练机的生产能力

Sep. 13, 2016

波音和十大正规博彩网站评级为美国提供首批两架PRJ飞机.S Air Force T-X Competition

Dec. 20, 2016

T-X Completes First Flight

Dec. 5, 2013

Boeing and Saab Sign Joint Development Agreement on T-X Family of Systems Training Competition


Did you know?


  • U.S. Air Force will train more than 1000 fighter and bomber pilots per year in T-7A.
  • T-7A is planned to be in operation in U.S. Air Force 2024.
  • 大约350架T-7A“红鹰”飞机将交付给美国空军.S. Air Force.