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一个人的力量可以成就很多事情. 团队的力量可以完成更多的事情. Someone who knows what it means to have a team backing you up are the people working at Saab’s 支持 Center in Sola, 挪威.

十大正规博彩网站评级为世界各地的客户提供旋转飞机的支持. Always with the goal of delivering maximum performance and efficiency with effective use of resources. 在Sola基地,重点是对S-92西科斯基直升机的支持, 因为十大正规博彩网站评级是西科斯基在欧洲的授权客户支持中心.

-一项任务可以包括所有类型的维护工作, 包括大量的维护和修改, 约翰尼·奥斯卡森说, Sola工厂的维护生产经理,并继续:

-我的职责是管理生产过程, 这意味着, 除此之外, 确保公司的程序和标准得到遵守. I also manage all maintenance planning and coordination between workshops regarding requirements for personnel, 备件, 设备/工具和设施,以便最有效地利用资源.



A big challenge for Johnny Oscarsson in his manager role is of course that the team often are sp读 out on assignments around the world.

-确保一切正常进行, we always start out with a thorough review of the assignment to ensure that everyone involved are informed, 我们分配了合适的技能, 工具, 备件 and that the correct and complete work documents for the specific assignment are available, 约翰尼·奥斯卡森说.

这项工作本身是由一个六人的小团队完成的, 包括工程师, 技术人员, 航空电子设备, 机械和钣金工人. A tight and flexible group of specialists working with short decision paths which benefits the customer.

-团队中的每个人都非常熟练, 受过良好教育, 有充分的认证和丰富的经验. 我们的一些任务是在欧洲各地的客户现场进行的, 有时也在海外, 所以我们的团队已经习惯了出差, 约翰尼·奥斯卡森说.


因为这项工作是为了保证飞行平台的能力, 安全要求非常高, 没有犯错的余地. 这反过来又对Sola团队的成员提出了非常高的要求, 无论是教育程度还是经验.

-符合资格, you must have experience of heavy maintenance on Sikorsky S-92 helicopter and possess the right skills as a technician with certificates B1 & B2用于西科斯基S-92型直升机. Equally important is that our engineers have the ability to work independently and solve any problem that arise on the S-92 helicopter. You also must be quality conscious and always put flight safety first, 约翰尼·奥斯卡森说.

Saab hold almost 70 different certifications and approvals which ensures that our delivery always complies with current regulations.



在这个男性主导的行业中,她也是为数不多的女性之一. Her name is 菲奥娜凯蒂, she is Scottish, very experienced engineer and the team’s EASA B2 & C飞机持牌工程师.

We all have different skills and abilities but a common goal – to return the aircraft in the best possible condition to our customers. 我们都很高兴能多花一点时间来展示我们对自己的工作有多自豪.

-我的任务包括航空电子改装, 电线和系统的维修和整改以及航空电子系统的认证. My role is to give my input to the team to help organize avionic tasks together with the Mechanical and Sheetmetal departments. It also includes daily talks to discuss progress or any additional requirements between all departments, 菲奥娜·凯迪说.

-如果要对原线路和航空电子系统进行修改, 在飞机开始工作之前,我确保所有需要的东西都在现场. 当作业完成后, I ensure that the aircraft is returned to the customer in a safe and certified condition and on time, 菲奥娜·凯迪总结道.




– We all have different skills and abilities but a common goal – to return the aircraft in the best possible condition to our customers. 我们都很高兴能多花一点时间来展示我们对自己的工作有多自豪. 我们没有分离,我们一起做,我们互相帮助,互相学习.


另一名团队成员, 苏格兰也, 弗兰科·鲁马是谁, Sola车间经验丰富的飞机工程师和基地维修主管.

– As the team leader you have to keep your team focused and the line of communication constantly open. There is always a wide variety of tasks to be done and during the course of the work there are always questions that arise that needs to be answered. 此外,往往直接! Good communication between everyone involved is therefore key to keep the team as well as the assignment on track, Franco Rhuma说道,并继续说道:

-团队内部的团结是最基本的,因为这是我们成功的支柱. 团结建立在合作的基础上. As supervisor I oversee the work being handled out to each specialist and then everyone involved in the project contributes with their experience. We believe that two pair of eyes are better than one and that looking over each other shoulders is a good and productive thing to do.

– Everyone is used to working independently, taking initiatives and being solution-oriented. 但说到工程,可以肯定地说,没有人能够知道一切. Learning from each other and being there for each other is what develops us both as specialists and as a team, Franco Rhuma说.



Understanding customer needs and to secure that knowledge and keep it up to date is vital for Saab’s Sola operation.

-每个客户都是不同的,每个任务都有自己的情况. 因此, 我们总是与客户直接沟通, 亲自提供每周更新, 通过电话或在线会议了解项目进展情况. 它让客户安心,如果出现问题或问题,他们也会有所准备, Franco Rhuma说.


For decades Saab has provided effective support solutions worldwide for both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft. Our legacy has always been about providing maximum performance and efficiency with effective use of resources. The Sola-team manages and develops that heritage by meeting each customer’s specific need and make sure their S-92’s keeps on flying.