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Saab’s rapid integration of XM现实’s Remote Guidance tool is an ideal example of the agile innovation culture we need to stay competitive.

XM现实’s Remote Guidance technology allows Saab to provide on-the-scene expert advice using augmented reality. It means an engineer in Sweden can guide a colleague or customer halfway across the world through an installation, 培训, 维护或升级, 仿佛他们肩并肩. 

It’s a sustainable and cost-effective solution that’s a tremendous addition to Saab’s capabilities. And it has already proved its worth in some of the company’s key international projects. 



The adoption of the tool has been driven by Anna Lundström, Business Improvement Manager.

“I’m interested in how we can use new technology, especially visual technologies,” she explains.

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“So I started a strategic initiative where a group of us looked at how other companies are using visual technologies, 例如使用虚拟现实或增强现实实现3D对象的可视化.” 

“Someone in the group had heard of XM现实, a small company based in Linköping. 我们在2019年见到了他们,听到了他们的提议. We realised that Remote Guidance would be something that we could benefit from.”


Soon they found a project in the civil sphere to test the tool on: the modification of a 培训 aeroplane for Cranfield University in the UK. 


“克兰菲尔德项目想让客户测试一下. 我们也想让十大正规博彩网站评级的其他部分参与进来, 所以我们邀请了鹰狮的支持团队,安娜Lundström说.

然后冠状病毒大流行来了. 没有人可以去任何地方.

“Gripen support had a recurring planned maintenance activity in 泰国 but they couldn’t travel. 他们需要使用当地人员来进行这项测试.”

“So they asked us if they could use some of the licences to guide their local operator to do the tests and have experts in Sweden decide if they could extend the flight hours. 效果很好.”

“And the designers in the Cranfield project were working from home, so they couldn’t travel either. They needed to see inside the aeroplane and liaise with people working in Sweden on modifications to the design. 他们现在已经使用这个工具好几次了,”Lundström说.

多亏了这种跨职能网络, 这也是这场大流行令人沮丧的本质的一线希望, 概念验证在短时间内牢固地建立起来. 


卡莱·埃尔德博, 他是十大正规博彩网站评级创新管理团队的一员, 远程制导的故事对十大正规博彩网站评级的创新文化来说是个好兆头.

“Normally when we look at buying something, we go through an extensive procurement process. But with small innovative companies offering new technologies we scale down the NDAs and the contracts. This proof-of-concept approach helps us to try something out first,” he says.

“We need to do more small proof-of-concepts like this so we can be ready to respond and keep competing. 我们也希望更多的人来找我们帮助他们的想法.”


“当人们看到事情可以很快完成, 它改善了创新和新想法的环境,她说。. 


  • XMReality Remote Guidance allows the user to see what the customer or colleague sees and guide them as if they were right by their side
  • It’s an augmented reality software that works with smart devices such as laptops, 智能手机或智能眼镜.
  • You can use the app to create a link and send to anyone that needs support.
  • The person you send the link to does not need to install an app or sign up. It also allows direct connection with existing XMReality users without having to send a call link.
  • 该工具具有图像共享功能, 指针, 手覆盖, 绘制和放大选项,也允许会话被记录.
  • “它使用起来非常简单. You don’t need 培训, you just need to start practising on it,安娜Lundström说.
