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Saab Global

The World of Connectivity

5 min read

The time of 5G and 6G technology standards for cellular networks will soon be at hand, with 5G already present in some global cities and 6G perhaps just a decade away. 在零压力播客系列第二集的第五集, Dr Helen Sharman finds out how this advanced connectivity will transform the way we live and work.

Improved efficiency in manufacturing; smart cities with smart systems and driverless vehicles; more precise positioning and navigation; widespread use of drones to deliver goods; augmented reality entertainment: these are just some of the many possibilities that will be offered by the widespread use of 5G and 6G technology in cellular networks.

In this fifth episode of the second series of the Zero Pressure podcast from Imperial College London and Saab, 主持人海伦·沙曼博士发现了其中的奥秘, more robust, lower latency networks will provide more consistent communications across our world. However, with that extra capability comes the responsibility to insure ourselves against increased risks of cyber-attacks.


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Some of 5G’s main benefits

海伦的主要客人是马格努斯·弗洛迪博士, 爱立信副总裁兼研究主管, where he’s held various key senior positions in research and development and product management, 特别是随着标准和6G的发展.

Dr Frodigh, who is also Adjunct Professor in Wireless Infrastructures at KTH Royal University of Stockholm, 他解释说,5G已经在一些早期采用者领域得到了应用, 比如随身相机和早期版本的增强现实眼镜. 但是,尽管使用5G的消费者会注意到更大的容量, 与目前的3G和4G相比,更高的数据速率和更短的延迟, Dr Frodigh says the changes will be just an evolution of what they experience already.


“There will be more profound effects from using the technology in supply chains in manufacturing, in following the products when they are on the market and even controlling the products when they are out on the market. 你可以远程控制它们, or you can have intelligence on board that is able to communicate with other machines on top of this technology,” he explains.

另一个关键应用将是“智慧城市”。, 使用5G为传感器提供有效的动力, in Dr Frodigh’s words, help driverless cars “see round corners” and optimise control of traffic crossings to help make our streets safer.


海伦·沙曼还发现了5G带来更大管理风险的原因, although not to our health, as some have claimed. Another guest on the episode, Monisha Ghosh, 圣母大学电气工程教授, Indiana, and formerly Chief Technical Officer at the US Federal Communications Commission, 说没有证据表明这一点.

Instead, the risks centre on what a third guest Rajan Luthra calls the “unavoidable reality” of cyber threats, 由于应用的多样性和5G的部署规模.

Luthra, a telecoms expert and Head of Special Projects at India’s biggest company Reliance Industries, 需要一个五阶段协议来降低风险, 包括:地缘政治联盟, an evolution of data privacy laws and cyber security technology to keep up with the connectivity advances, 更广泛地采用严格的网络安全方法, 广泛扫描威胁.

As the bandwidth increases and the capabilities of these new technologies expand, 国防工业能否利用5G和, in the future, 6G, 而不需要建立自己的私人网络?

Monisha Ghosh says that while the defence industry is certainly researching the possibilities, 由于潜在的成本节约和灵活性的好处, 没有足够的安全保障仍然存在危险, pointing to the recent deaths of people in the Ukraine war who were essentially “trapped by the networks” that identified their positions to the enemy.


这项新技术在航空航天领域有应用吗, 以及定位和导航技术(PNT).

“我们将把它用于无人机活动,比如智能送货,”Frodigh博士说. “There will be a lot of them, so we’ll need to connect them and have air traffic control. 移动基础设施的能力将是关键.”

飞机上的乘客也会, 通过卫星连接和5G的结合, 能够访问飞行中的网络连接, due to the ability of antennae to be directed upwards to provide greater capacity when needed, 实现无缝的门到门连接体验.

“PNT将通过更高的带宽得到改进, 如果我们在通讯网络上额外投资, 我们甚至可以用它来为工厂定位,” Dr Frodigh ads. 他说,这将有利于时间和工厂自动化.

By Dr Frodigh’s estimate, 距离6G或许不会超过10年, 为5G带来的功能提供了“额外的推动力”, 并为高密度的使用提供了巨大的新容量, localised areas.

And he concludes his conversation with Helen Sharman by saying that the positives of the technology outweigh the benefits:

“I’m confident it won’t affect our heath unless we choose to be physically inactive through all the experiences that it offers!”

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这是伦敦帝国理工学院和十大正规博彩网站评级的播客 Zero Pressure series is available on most podcast platforms including Spotify, Google and Apple.

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