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In the opening episode of Imperial College London and Saab’s Zero Pressure podcast, 第一个进入太空的英国人, 海伦沙曼, 遇见了第一位瑞典宇航员, christopher Fuglesang教授, to discuss the future of space exploration and how it will affect the security of our world.

到2050年, humans will have established a permanent presence on the Moon and a research base on Mars, 而太空旅行将成为许多人的日常活动. And the climate crisis could be partly addressed by the use of enormous solar shades in space that could help to protect us from the worst warming effects of the sun.

christopher Fuglesang如是说, 第一位瑞典宇航员, 在《十大正规博彩网站评级》中, 《亚洲体育博彩平台》第一集, 这是Saab和伦敦帝国理工学院的一个新播客系列, 它着眼于科学技术如何解决复杂问题, 相互关联的全球挑战.

在一个轻松的, 广泛而发人深省的讨论, 克里斯特和零压力的主持人海伦·沙曼, 英国第一位宇航员, 谈谈他们自己的太空旅行经历, as well as the challenges and opportunities arising from space exploration in the decades to come.


克里斯特·富格莱桑, the key space exploration issue we will need to solve by 2050 is how to live outside Earth. 但是,尽管气候变化带来了紧迫的挑战, 这位瑞典宇航员并不意味着我们需要离开我们自己的星球. 事实上, Christer believes that enormous solar shades can be positioned in space to protect us from the worst of the sun’s heating effects.

“我绝对不认为我们会失去在地球上生活的可能性, but it’s always good for our long-term future to have a ‘Planet B’ to live on if, 说, 一颗巨大的彗星将撞上我们,而我们没有时间让它转向,他说.

特别是, Christer tells 海伦沙曼 that he believes that there will be life on Mars by 2050, 以及人类在太空中的普遍存在.

“I think we will be on the Moon again in five or six years’ time and it will be a stepping stone for exploring Mars. By 2050 there will be an established research base on the Moon with a permanent population and we’ll be able to find resources on the Moon that will help people stay there,他说.

“我也认为会有人住在火星上, 也许开始一些殖民地, 还会有小行星采矿, 主要使用机器人. 但人类将定期往返于月球、火星和地球之间.”


Drawing on their own pioneering experiences in space in 1991 and 2006/8 respectively, both 海伦沙曼 and Christer Fuglesang believe that establishing agreed-upon regulations for space exploration, 卫星退役和空间碎片的管理至关重要.

But Christer is perhaps less concerned than Helen by the idea that the likes of China and Russia may choose to work separately from the international collaboration model favoured by NASA and the European Space Agency, 作为军事化太空竞赛的一部分.

“中国和俄罗斯签署了国际谅解备忘录, but if they explore the Moon separately from others I think it will be good to have the competition.”

“If we have fair rules that we can all agree upon, then each one can be allowed to do what they want. It’s like free trade or when we go to the Olympic Games to compete – I think if we have fair rules then it’s okay to have several teams trying to go as far in exploration as they can under those rules.”


但不管谁在进行探索, both astronauts agree that issues with space debris and deactivated satellites are a concern. 海伦沙曼 说s there around “half a million pieces of debris that are big enough to be lethal”.

She also recounted her own memory of her bedroom window on the Soviet space station Mir having been damaged a couple of days before she arrived there by a loose fleck of paint from an old satellite, 这就是它在太空中飞驰所产生的能量和动量.

christopher Fuglesang讲述了微流星体是如何, very small pieces of rock or metal broken off from larger chunks of rock and debris, damaged the handrails used to support astronauts on their spacewalks around the International Space Station, 冒着损坏宇航员宇航服手套的危险.

“以及控制我们如何处理卫星的法规, we need them to have transponders – some sort of failsafe system that tracks them to keep us secure, 但那要花很多钱.”


“2050年的太空”是零压力播客系列的一个引人入胜的开端, 在包括Spotify在内的大多数播客平台上都能找到, 谷歌和苹果. Future episodes will see 海伦沙曼 and her guests at the cutting edge of science and technology discuss subjects such as autonomous systems and AI.

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