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The world of quantum computing is so complex and ambitious that some might think it belongs to the realms of science fiction. But, as physicists John Martinis and Ian Walmsley tell Zero Pressure podcast host Helen Sharman, 量子计算机可能对人工智能等产生巨大影响, 运输、后勤及国防 & security.

量子计算在1980年才出现, but it’s a rapidly emerging technology and some are already expecting it to produce big things. It focuses on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory, 如何解释能量和物质在原子和亚原子水平上的行为.

而传统的计算机将信息编码为1和0的二进制形式, 量子计算使用量子比特或量子位, giving it the possibility of using the unique ability of subatomic particles to exist in more than one state, 同时是1和0. The potential for quantum computers to solve problems that are too complex for the classical computers of today raises hopes that this technology will have profound effects on society.

Breakthroughs in medicine through research into new molecules; solving complex logistical problems of transport systems and manufacturing; further development of AI; and advances in secure communications for the likes of the aeronautics and defence industries: all are mentioned as potential benefits that could be within our reach within the next couple of decades.

在一场精彩的讨论中, 前宇航员海伦·沙曼收到约翰·马提尼斯的来信, 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校物理学教授, and Ian Walmsley, 伦敦帝国理工学院教务长,实验物理系主任. They caution that there is still much development needed before we see machines that can produce tangible applications to aid society. 然而,两人都乐观地认为这一天终将到来.

“机器现在可以解决有趣和重要的问题, 但还没有能够带来直接公共利益的项目,” says Ian Walmsley. “但我们正处于扩大规模的阶段.”

The progress so far

Quantum computing has already come a long way from the initial idea raised by physicist Paul Benioff in 1980, but, 马丁尼和沃姆斯利说, 它仍处于试验阶段. Probably the biggest step forward came with the achievement of quantum supremacy in 2019, where a team from Google AI quantum demonstrated that a programmable quantum device was able to solve a mathematical problem that was beyond the capabilities of state-of-the-art classical computers. 约翰·马提尼斯是这个团队的关键成员.

“量子至上实验是为了证明量子力学是有效的, 你可以建立一个系统,” says Martinis.

“我们正在稳步前进,这是一个重要的里程碑, but we need more innovation and to overcome some of the challenges including (in the case of the superconductivity platform used by Martinis), 需要在极低的温度下工作.”

Other challenges include the incidences of errors in the existing test technologies, and the issues of absorption and unpredictability that affect the use of photon platforms in optical computers, 伊恩·沃姆斯利的专长. The energy consumption of machines that could be the size of houses is something else to grapple with.

Nonetheless, 正如沃姆斯利所指出的, there has already been a lot of public and private money invested in research into the technology, 是什么激发了竞争创造力, 让我们更接近, one day, serial applications.

“过去几年,英国已承诺投资10亿英镑, the EU Quantum flagship programme has €1 billion investment and the US National Quantum Initiative has invested USD 1.50亿美元,”沃姆斯利说.

“新加坡也有大型项目, Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, while the Chinese effort is concentrated in their national institutions and universities. There’s been a significant amount of public money committed to this and there are also a number of big corporations investing, including Google, IBM, Microsoft, 以及私人风险资本进入初创企业. 当你把所有这些加起来的时候,它们就变成了真钱.”

Potential benefits?

虽然它可能不会马上到来, some experts believe it could be possible in the near future for quantum computing to address climate-related issues through the use of new chemical algorithms to improve plant yields, 更好的肥料和杀虫剂. Also on the horizon is the use of quantum computers to optimise complex logistics for both aerospace and defence and transport.

In fact, says Ian Walmsley, 更简单的随机数生成机器已经在销售. These could potentially be used in market simulations to generating code pads for secure communications.

“量子计算机将遵循我们在台式计算机上看到的相同趋势,” says John Martinis. “The complex programmes will be in data centres and we’ll remotely access them in the way that we remotely access any powerful programmes right now. That will be how normal people – not those working in government institutions or research labs - use quantum computers.”


“有很多人在量子计算技术上努力工作. 它可能会对世界产生非常大的影响.”


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