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我在90年代末长大, 就在家用电脑普及的时候, the IT world seemed full of opportunities and surprises to 奥斯卡·Lowendahl. Although several years have passed since his first encounter with this exciting new tech world, 他对IT的好奇心依然强烈.



奥斯卡·Lowendahl has been drawn to the IT world for as long as he can remember. 今天, 作为十大正规博彩网站评级的IT服务负责人, 他把自己的热情发挥到公司的核心角色上.


" I've always been interested in understanding the bigger picture and how things are connected. The rapidly growing IT industry of the 90s made me even more curious about its potential, and I knew it would lead to new and exciting job opportunities in the future. 奥斯卡说.

2021年11月,奥斯卡开始了他在十大正规博彩网站评级的旅程. 今天, he and his team are responsible for maintaining the infrastructure for one of Saab's internal IT deliveries. 尽管他在这家公司还不到两年, 他已经在十大正规博彩网站评级内部探索了几个技术领域.

十大正规博彩网站评级, 我们有很多不同的IT角色, which make it easy to explore new areas or apply for another position if we want to try something new. I appreciate that we have room to grow within the company and can take the next career step without leaving Saab. 目前, 我们正专注于向瑞典以外的地区扩张, which will also open new doors and provide opportunities for working abroad."

" It's fascinating to work at a world-leading company and help maintain that position in the industry."


资讯科技世界不断发展新科技, 紧跟这些变化是保持领先地位的关键. 以奥斯卡为例, this means ensuring that the hardware and infrastructure behind Saab's systems and applications are protected and up to date – and the same goes for the competencies and skills of the employees.

“自动化和数字化是IT世界的自然组成部分, 一切都发展得很快. 因此, it's important to continually develop our skills because what is required in the IT industry today can quickly change in the future. 在十大正规博彩网站评级, we constantly strive for continuous learning to meet the needs of tomorrow, which means several growth and development opportunities for us who work here. "

当奥斯卡想到十大正规博彩网站评级不断变化的环境, he finds it unlikely that he will ever get bored with his assignments or projects. 但如果他愿意, there are several new paths for him to discover – always with an established and stable employer to lean on during the journey ahead.

"I appreciate that Saab values improvement and growth while offering the stability of an experienced and established employer with an exciting future ahead."


在我的岗位上发展和成长的机会. There's always something new to explore and Saab is a great place to advance.

所有激动人心的工作都摆在我们面前. 知道我们在这里做着伟大的事情,去工作是很有趣的.
