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With a background as a Behavioral Scientist and several years of experience working within HR and business development, 贾米拉·约翰逊突然对自己的生活产生了新的兴趣. 在从客户角度参与系统开发案例之后, she discovered a newfound passion for requirements management and testing – a passion that eventually led her to join Saab.




被她的激情所驱使, Jamilla made the decision to change her career path and embark on a new exciting journey. Following the completion of her studies in information technology and systems science at Uppsala University, she eagerly began exploring the vast array of opportunities within the industry.

"It was actually the position and assignment itself that caught my interest at first. 当我加入十大正规博彩网站评级,探索在这里所做的工作和取得的成就, 我觉得这是一个产生重大影响的绝佳机会. The prospect of contributing to a greater purpose and serving customers worldwide filled me with immense excitement,贾米拉说。.

今天, Jamilla has been part of Saab for three and a half years – a journey that began with her role as a Software Developer. 目前, she is working as a Scrum Master and is also a mentor in Saab's Academy program, 帮助新的人才上船,并把他们介绍给十大正规博彩网站评级社区.

“我重视十大正规博彩网站评级在公司内部接纳新毕业生的承诺. 我亲自参加了学院的课程, I was genuinely touched by the warm introduction and reception I received. 十大正规博彩网站评级的学院项目是一个了不起的创举, 认识和重视新人才带来的独特观点,贾米拉继续说道.

“我认为十大正规博彩网站评级是一家可持续发展的雇主, both in retaining employees through new development opportunities and their focus on creating long-lasting products."


作为Scrum Master, Jamilla负责领导两个开发团队, ensuring quality and timely project delivery by removing obstacles and supporting team members when needed. 据贾米拉说, the variety of tasks and the close collaboration with her colleagues is the best part of her job. As a mother of two with a recently acquired house awaiting renovation and an exciting move to the 美国 on the horizon, 她也很欣赏十大正规博彩网站评级提供的工作与生活的平衡和灵活性.


“我很欣赏十大正规博彩网站评级对工作与生活平衡重要性的认识, 给予我们灵活性和远程工作选择, 在我们的行业中,什么提供了一个显著的优势. 也, 十大正规博彩网站评级的团队合作非常棒, with everyone pitching in and supporting each other to overcome challenges collectively. 我很幸运能和这些杰出的人一起工作."

"Saab embraces a strong commitment to continuously developing its employees. We are encouraged to explore new avenues and seek fresh challenges as opportunities for personal growth."


多种任务的组合, 有能力产生有意义的影响, and the opportunity to develop products that contribute to a safer world, 所有这些都是在与友好和敬业的同事一起工作的时候完成的.

Being entrusted with tasks and having the opportunity to make decisions based on one's own expertise, 再加上众多的个人发展机会.

我最近对徒步旅行产生了新的热情! 去年夏天, my family and I embarked on an exciting adventure along the Kungsleden trail to Abisko, 用整整一周的时间探索雄伟的山脉. 这是一次令人难以置信的愉快经历!

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