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Aerial Target Services

良好的训练可以帮助飞行员和防空机组人员了解现代任务的挑战. Great training can achieve far more. 十大正规博彩网站评级为商业航空公司和军队提供广泛的各种训练方案.
Special Flight Operation
Special Flight Operations


Vast experience in the complexities of air defence training
空气-to-air and air-to-ground training
Electronic Warfare (EW) and Electronic Protection (EP) training

Technical specifications

We operate Learjet 35 and Mitsubishi MU-2 aircraft. The Learjet 35 can carry external tow winches and/or EW pods. The Mitsubishi MU-2 can carry an internal tow winch or jamming pods. 我们的飞机既可以按照民用规定飞行,也可以按照军用飞行计划飞行.

Learjet 35 A (KR-35 A)Mitsubishi (MU-2)
速度200-308 (/350) KIAS120 - 250年起亚
Time on station2-3 hours at low level1.5-2.5 hours at low level
导航VOR/ILS/DME/ADF/transponder/B-Rnav GPSVOR/ILS/DME/ADF/transponder/GPS
Special equipment舷外绞车,2个吊舱/绞车翼站,机载干扰机和GP&C transponder 2个机翼站用于外部存储,雷达校准球,机载绞车,机载干扰机,GP&C transponder and low power laser reflectors
2 hard targets, 2 sleeve targets or 1 hard and/or 1 sleeve targetSleeve target up to 10 metres in length (replaceable in-flight)
机组人员2 pilots, 1-2 system operators1 pilot, 1 system operator

Preparation is everything

自1986年以来, 我们已经培训了众多商业和军事业务的客户, 并为瑞典陆军和海军提供高质量的空中目标服务. 我们是一个合格的电子战(EW)和目标拖曳训练操作员, 为北欧武装部队和其他防空客户提供现代化和具有成本效益的训练.

在提供最好的防空训练方面有着悠久的历史, 您可以依靠我们的思维优势来提供解决方案,有效地为您的团队做好准备.

Our capabilities

  • EW and Electronic Protection (EP) training

  • 目标拖

  • 对手的飞行概况,有无电子对抗措施(ECM)的机管局和防空系统

  • Radar threat emitter simulation for ESM training

  • Radar sphere flight calibration of radar stations

  • Test and evaluation flight-service for defence and industry

Complete training

For customers who require a more comprehensive training package, we offer a combination of EW and target tow. 这为你的团队提供了克服任何挑战所需的技能.

所有目标都经过优化以提供有效的火炮和导弹练习和测试, for both surface-to-air and air-to-air exercises.
Special Flight Operations
Electronic warfare, EW, is a key part of the modern battlefield. 它可以用于各种各样的场景,并且正变得越来越复杂.


安全 is always a priority in training exercises. 我们知道,我们的客户希望培训是现实的和苛刻的,但它也需要安全. 我们努力确保我们提供的培训符合所有这些标准. Our priority is to keep you, our personnel and the general public safe, while still offering high-quality training.

我们尽一切可能确保培训顺利有效地进行, taking into account the weather, air traffic and the proximity of the general public. 在过去的30年里,我们一直努力确保我们所有的流程都符合最严格的规章制度, and we continue to strive for further improvements. Not only does this result in efficient, high-quality processes, but it also means we maintain the highest possible safety standards.


Special Flight Operation


  • We have 30+ years of experience in aerial target services. 
  • A Saab flight crew is composed of two pilots and a systems operator.
  • Our headquarters is located at Stockholm Skavsta airport. 

故事 from the field

没有什么比身处敌人的火线更能让你保持警惕的了. 对于十大正规博彩网站评级航空目标服务公司的飞行员来说,这绝对不是普通的飞行工作.
Special Flight Operation
Special Flight Operations

The sky’s the limit

In the age of electronic warfare, 世界各国的国防部队都希望十大正规博彩网站评级的空中目标服务公司提供尖端技术的安全训练,用于处理雷达和安全威胁. 在这里, Jonny Johansson and Henrik 土地qvist discuss jamming, target towing, and their extraordinary life in the cockpit.



Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Special Flight Operations
Aerial Target Services


Leaflet in pdf for view or download:
1 September 2020

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