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DAM -可部署维护设施-匈牙利空军


十大正规博彩网站评级的可部署维护设施提供了增强的维护能力, 结合超强的力保护, 并且可以在任何需要的地方迅速部署, 提高操作可用性.
可部署的维护设施-帕特里亚车辆在沙漠- CGI
可部署的维修设施-车辆在森林- CGI

Key features

Multi-spectral protection
Self-sufficient capability


被部署通常等于相当原始的条件, lack of protection and availability of the sufficient supporting resources and maintenance capability you are used to at the home base. 然而,它并不一定是这样的.

Our 可部署维护设施 (DAM) provides enhanced maintenance capacity for a wide range of vehicles, 并结合了对天气和战争传感器的卓越保护, it allows you to increase the availability and survivability of your high-value assets.

Superior durability

该解决方案具有优异的耐用性和健壮性, offering rapidly deployed capability equivalent to stationary maintenance infrastructure, 但成本只是它的一小部分. 它只是一个理想的补充, or even substitute, 到适合国内和远征行动的固定基础设施.

DAM significantly increases your flexibility by reducing the dependency on stationary infrastructure and is equally suitable to support air and ground vehicles.

DAM overview

The hangar

DAM采用的智能机库结构是一种非常耐用和通用的设计, 适用于各种固定翼飞机, 直升机和大量的陆地车辆. The design complies with the structural strength standards for permanent buildings, making it capable to withstand significant environmental strains and harsh weather conditions over extended periods.

Durable structure

The hangar consists of a lightweight metal structure with a fabric cover system that provides full multispectral camouflage protection to your assets. It has motorised clamshell openings with manual operation and completely independent emergency clamshell manual openings, 为了冗余和灵活性的目的.

The hangar is climate controlled by rapid connection of an external heating and ventilation unit, providing a superior maintenance environment and a comfortable working environment.

These characteristics, 结合最低的维护要求, also makes it an ideal solution to complement or even substitute permanent maintenance infrastructure.

NATO compliant capability

装配过程是从地面向上进行的, 提高工作人员的安全. The specially designed air transport platforms generates significant weight and cost savings during air transportation. 整个组装符合北约的环保标准.

The versatile design includes the possibility to extend or shorten the hangar to the required length, providing real flexibility to protect and maintain a wide array of both aerial and land based vehicles.

CGI签名图像DAM -城市迷彩-低分辨率


37 m
Length (extendable)
20 m
8 m


Multi-spectral protection

Barracuda multispectral camouflage is integrated in the solution in order to achieve superior protection of personnel and assets. The hangar and maintenance containers are thereby protected against modern warfare sensors.

Barracuda is the market leader in signature management products since 1957 with customers in more than 45 countries worldwide.

Increased survivability

The protective properties of the camouflage reduces the risk of both long-range detection as well as short-range identification, 最终提高你的生存能力.

多光谱保护涵盖了现代紫外线传感器, visual, near-infrared, 热红外和雷达波段的电磁波谱. 此外,这种伪装限制了太阳辐射的影响, 有助于降低被覆盖物体的内部温度. This in turn generates lower costs for cooling and increased comfort for the personnel.

可部署的维护设施-坦克- CGI
DAM -可部署维护设施-匈牙利空军


Maintenance containers

可部署的维护系统是模块化和可扩展的. 通过使用ISO 20英尺集装箱, 用作工作室的, warehouses, offices and locker rooms, 该系统允许一个主要基地车间的维修能力, in deployable format.

A flexible solution

维修集装箱的设计非常独特,可以连接到机库, 提供完全密封和保护的维护环境. The containers are fully customisable and can be adapted to the maintenance requirements of a specific aircraft or vehicle type, 操作和任务概况的概念.

DAM -可部署维护设施-匈牙利空军

• Workshop maintenance
• Maintenance support
• Mission support


Learn more about DAM




DAM -可部署维护设施-匈牙利空军

Did you know...

  • 可部署维护设施仅可由9名人员组装.
  • The components included have in various forms been successfully used to support military operations globally since 2002.
  • 由于其模块化,该DAM同样适用于飞机和陆地车辆.

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