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Barracuda ULCAS

在今天和未来的战场上,没有多光谱传感器的威胁. 当您需要可扩展到广泛部署资产的多光谱伪装时, 我们的超轻型伪装屏(ULCAS)是终极解决方案.


Easy to install and quick to deploy
多光谱 protection

We’ve got you covered


The perfect protection

多光谱, lightweight and flexible camouflage net, ULCAS provides a low probability for detection when deployed.

ULCAS是当今市场上最具创新性的伪装技术. The multispectral properties throughout its service life, 通过挑战电磁频谱中所有相关部分的传感器来增强生存能力.

多光谱, lightweight and flexible camouflage net, ULCAS非常适合隐藏静态位置的军事物体.

ULCAS具有3D表面结构,由两层纺织品组成. 装饰层被绗缝在背面,以使网具有不挂网的特性. 这提供了较长的预期寿命,并便于快速部署和重新部署. 尺寸和形状可根据客户要求定做.

Camouflage screen

Fully camouflaged with full communication

Frequency Selective Surface system, 该解决方案允许特别生产的ULCAS网络的用户充分利用无线电和GPS系统,同时保持完全隐藏.


Material and weight

ULCAS的重量不超过250 g/m²,储存和使用的温度范围为-20°C至80°C. 伪装网具有很高的耐化学性和耐暴露于石油, oil and lubricants.


Telescopic support poles are available. These extendable, glass-fibre poles can be customised. In addition, Aluminum or steel ground stakes are available.The optional ULCAS cover bag for transport and storage, containing all the parts and accessories needed.

Soldier deploying Barracuda ULCAS camouflage net

Signature Management

Signature Management is at the core of our products. 我们的技术将物体和背景之间的对比度降到最低, making sensory detection much harder. 签名管理减少了暴露和距离识别, which forces enemies to move closer in order to engage.

True multispectral

十大正规博彩网站评级的伪装解决方案提供了真正的多光谱能力,可以对抗各种传感器. These are the properties for the product:

Barracuda Academy – become a master of camouflage

现代签名管理是极少数能够打破敌人意识的破坏性技术之一. 梭鱼学院给学生一个理论和实践的理解.

Through our world-class expert-led courses, 您可以增加对现代签名管理的认识,以便:

  • Gain the tactical edge through concealment
  • Identify battlefield threats
  • Enhance survivability of your forces

Partnering with Saab

我们是签名管理中唯一完整的系统屋. We design and manufacture a comprehensive range of Camouflage, Concealment and Deception solutions for soldiers, platforms and units.

所有 parts of your force, 一个在传感器密集的环境中执行任务的士兵, to a fully multispectral camouflaged operational base, 每个资产都需要最小化被检测到的概率的能力. 在十大正规博彩网站评级, 我们拥有为任何任务场景创造解决方案的悠久历史-无论多么具有挑战性.


Engineering services – specialists on all sensor threats

With over half a century’s signature management experience, 十大正规博彩网站评级的高能力和专业知识应用于我们生产的每一个解决方案.

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我们的ULCAS伪装系统为任何战区提供多光谱能力. 这里有一些关于ULCAS的有趣事实,你可能还不知道,

  • ULCAS减少了车辆、庇护所、帐篷和集装箱上高达80%的太阳能负荷
  • Designed with a joining system, 单独的伪装网可以很容易地连接在一起或用地面木桩固定在地面上
  • ULCAS易于安装,可以快速部署,覆盖任何资产

The perfect blend of technical and operational excellence

For over half a century, 十大正规博彩网站评级一直专注于尖端的伪装,完美地融合了技术和卓越的操作. With customers all around the world, 以及最近向北欧国家和奥地利交付的订单, 十大正规博彩网站评级在开发先进伪装系统方面处于世界领先地位. 

The perfect blend of technical and operational excellence

Why signature analysis is crucial for combat survival

你知道你的坦克和运兵车是什么样子的. 但是你的对手使用的先进传感器是怎么看的呢? 分析你部署的装备的电磁特征可以帮助你改善伪装, delivering a major tactical advantage.

Why signature analysis is crucial for combat survival


Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Johan Stjernfeldt
Head of Marketing & 销售

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