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The perfect blend of technical and operational excellence

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半个多世纪以来, 十大正规博彩网站评级一直专注于尖端的伪装,完美地融合了技术和卓越的操作. 客户遍布世界各地, and recent orders for deliveries to the Nordic nations as well as Austria, Saab is a world-leader in developing advanced camouflage systems. 

没有一个战场是相同的. Each poses its own problems, especially as the enemy bears down.


Saab’s state-of-the-art camouflage screens, such as ULCAS, 增加破坏性能力,并提供先决条件,以在指数级发展和具有挑战性的操作环境中获胜. ULCAS是一种开创性的多光谱伪装网,为静态位置的车辆和其他物体提供无与伦比的签名保护.



Every terrain requires a different type of camouflage. 十大正规博彩网站评级的专家遍布全球, visiting and collecting samples from all environments, 包括沙漠, 林地和北极地区. 目的是查明每一个细节. The goal is to protect troops and assets, as well as ensure mission success.

沙漠给伪装带来了很多问题, 从极端的温度波动到猛烈的沙尘暴和影响设备的灰尘.

“沙漠主要与气温有关,白天气温会飙升,但到了晚上就会降到零下. A material that ‘plays’ in all temperatures and surroundings is vital,约翰·斯特恩菲尔德说, 市场总监 & 销售,业务部梭鱼,十大正规博彩网站评级.

“We have a library of sand from the majority of deserts. 为了获得最大程度的保护,你需要最好的颜色. Then you need the camouflage to be a similar temperature to that specific sand,” says Senior Development Engineer Dr 约翰Jersblad, who has worked at Saab’s Business Unit Barracuda for 18 years.

"We have a library of sand from the majority of deserts. 为了获得最大程度的保护,你需要最好的颜色."


The solution can reduce up to 80 percent of solar loading on vehicles, 避难所, 帐篷和集装箱, 储存和使用的工作温度从-21°C到+80°C. Efficient heat management saves fuel in the field; for example, by reducing the energy needed to cool vehicles and engines.

“无论你身在何处,ULCAS都可以根据预期的环境进行定制. We put in the right colours and features, so it can work in a specific terrain. 我们对所有地形的了解意味着你得到了正确的伪装,”约翰·斯特恩菲尔德说. 

“ULCAS has all the properties needed in one piece of textile. 它也很轻, 每平方米250克, meaning soldiers can easily carry 50–75 square metres when needed.”

Woodland can be richly coloured and change with the seasons. 它可以是密集的,也可以是开放的,温度可以根据树木之间捕获的热量而变化.

Johan Stjernfeldt continues: “For woodland, colour is the biggest problem. People often believe that woodlands are similar and green is the main colour. But when you go from one country to another, woodlands are very different.”


Jersblad博士, 有原子物理学博士学位的人, 他说:“在林地里的诀窍是确保网的温度与背景温度相同. 例如, 大型水箱会产生大量的热量, 所以我们的网必须把它藏起来, 尤其是林地在夜晚变凉的时候. 任何热量都必须自然排出. 如果需要,你也可以添加自然植被到我们的伪装,以进一步融合.”

北极是最严酷的战场, 气温在零度以下,还有暴风雨, 具有挑战性的地形和雪的温度与车辆和人的温度之间的明显差异.

Stjernfeldt说:“颜色在这里是至关重要的. 颜色从浅色和冰蓝色到白色和灰色等等,这取决于你去哪里.”

Jersblad博士 adds: “Vehicles give off large amounts of heat. Thermal or infrared surveys are the most important thing. Our materials reflect the snow’s infrared radiation, so observers only see infrared from the snow and not the vehicle.

“Each terrain creates new challenges; therefore, we must think differently and use different textiles and pigments, 除此之外.”

Saab closely reviews a customer’s needs before designing, producing and field-testing camouflage based on battle-proven solutions.

“迷彩适应地形是至关重要的. 如果不行,你就要拿生命和设备冒险. 我们检查环境的每一个方面. 如果条件变化很快, 你的伪装也应该如此."

“It’s vital that camouflage adapts to its terrain. 如果不行,你就要拿生命和设备冒险. 我们检查环境的每一个方面. 如果条件变化很快, 你的伪装也应该如此, so you or your equipment heat signatures never reveal your position,Jersblad博士说.

静态伪装- ULCAS

本公司制造的先进产品种类繁多, adaptable camouflage solutions that protect against all battlefield sensors.

ULCAS是领先的多光谱伪装网,对静态位置的车辆和其他物体具有无与伦比的签名保护. 这些多光谱特性在其他传统伪装网中是看不到的, and protect against reconnaissance and sensors working in the ultraviolet, 视觉, 热红外, 短波红外, near-infrared and radar aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum.


With a 3D surface structure, ULCAS is flexible and easy to install.

“大自然是3D的,所以你的网也应该是3D的. If you want to blend in, you must look like nature. 我们可以通过智能选择材料来定制伪装性能, 比如颜料和纺织品, 同时使伪装适应周围环境并应对各种传感器威胁. 2D限制了这一点,”Jersblad博士说.



该解决方案具有成本效益, 使传统的多层和单层伪装为不同的需求实际上是多余的. 与传统的迷彩相比,它的不缠绕特性也大大增加了它的使用寿命.


60多年来, Saab has been designing and manufacturing world-class, cost-efficient camouflage systems bespoke to the customer.

Using priceless industry insight to create a diverse portfolio, 公司业务遍及全球, continually growing in size and experience alongside its customer base.

“We are the only company focusing purely on camouflage. 几十年来,我们一直在为客户所需的地形创造定制的伪装.

“我们是专家。, with experience of tailoring camouflage to over 7,000种不同的车辆, 比其他任何公司都要多. 我们从每一次经验中学习,并取得了优异的成绩。.

最先进的实验室测试和评估材料和伪装特性. Saab builds its own test methods when international standards are not available. 彻底的产品和材料测试在恶劣条件下的伪装设计, 检查每一个特征, 比如机械的, 耐火性, 附着力和环境试验, 是成功的支柱吗.

With unrivalled signature management expertise and in-house R&维能力, 十大正规博彩网站评级公司的独特定位是为单兵提供完整的迷彩概念, 车辆,甚至整个部队.

The company has provided camouflage to over 45 countries, 包括北约, 中东和北欧国家.


Saab’s exclusive signature management is at the core of every product. This technology minimises the contrast between an object and the background, 使感官检测更加困难. 它减少了曝光和距离识别, forcing enemies to advance closer to your position.







十大正规博彩网站评级明白伙伴关系的重要性,其中之一就是与北约国家联合. 这增加了与专家接触的机会, 使用产品和关键信息来塑造迷彩创造方式的客户.

“A Saab user group is crucial and NATO is one such example. 它能给我们所需的反馈. 我们试图成为这个团体的一部分,建立一个专门关于伪装的对话. 我们希望整合所有专家和用户,因为客户的声音对于深度反馈至关重要. It shapes the way we approach camouflage,约翰·斯特恩菲尔德说.

“The best way to create world-class camouflage is to unite with the customer. 我们为了最好的结果而合作. 我们与客户和他们的车辆一起参观预定的地形,以了解他们在设置中的情况,Jersblad博士补充道.